College Principal
Area: Political Science
Qualification: M.A., B.Th. Ph. D
Contact: +91 9425155175

📅Last Updated on January 23, 2025
  1. 14 Years Teaching Experience
  2. Resource person in the Asian Campus Ministry Forum held at International Christian University, Japan on 13-19, March, 2019. Organised by United Board for Christian Higher Education for Asia.
  3. Resource Person in the Teachers’ Orientation Programme in many schools and the Youth Programmes
  1. Attended International Conference on “Exploring Trends and Practices in Information Technology and Management” Organized by Dept. of Management Studies & Computer Science, in St. Aloysius College (Auto.), Jabalpur on 5th & 6th January 2015.
  2. Presented a paper titled “Impact of Globalization: Technological, Social, Cultural and Political Aspects in India” in a two day International Seminar on Globalization: Issues and Challenges held on 17-18 February 2017.
  1. Presented paper in the National Seminar on “Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Indian Economy” Organized by Dept. of Management Studies, St. Aloysius College (Auto.), Jabalpur on 4th – 5th October 2013.
  2. Presented a paper titled “RTI: A Tool for Good Governance” in the National Seminar on “Right to Information as a Tool to Empower the Citizens” at St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur, from 31st January to 1st February 2014.
  3. Presented paper in the National Seminar on “RUSA: A Strategic Intervention for Enhancement of Higher Education in India” Organized by Dept. of Economics, St. Aloysius College (Auto.), Jabalpur on 19th – 20th March 2015.
  4. Presented paper in the 22nd Triennial Conference of Xavier Board of higher Education in India – “Challenges in Higher Education in India: Challenges and Suggestions” held at Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology, Kodakara, Thrissur Kerala, from 5th – 8th May 2016.
  5. Presented paper titled “Academic and Administrative Audit: Need of the Hour” at the National Conference organized by Department of Economics and Computer Science and Application, St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Jabalpur on 21-22 October, 2016.
  6. Presented paper titled “Ethics in Corporate Social Responsibility” at the National Conference on New Dimensions in Corporate Social Responsibility organized by Department of Commerce, St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Jabalpur on 20-21, 2017.
  7. Presented paper titled “Role of ICT in Social Science Research” at the National Conference Research Trends in Social Science organised by Mahakoushal College (Autonomous), Jabalpur on 8-9 the September, 2017.
  8. Participated in the National Conference on “Current Political and Economic Situation in India and its Impact on Higher Education” organized by Xavier Board of Higher Education on 9-10 September, 2017 at Don Bosco Provincial House, Hyderabad.
  1. Participated in the “Theological Pastoral Seminar on SCCs” (Small Christian Communities) held at Pallotine Animation Centre, Nagpur, India from 8th January to February 17th
  2. Represented in the XXI Triennial Convention of the Xavier Board of Higher Education in India under the theme “Social Inclusion in the Higher Education”, from 27th April to 30th April 2013.
  3. Participated in the “Community College Teachers’ Training Programme” conducted by Indian Centre for Research and Development of Community Education from 10th to 15th June, 2013.
  4. Participated in the “Faculty Development Programme” conducted by All India Association for Christian Higher Education, from 10th to 12th October 2013.
  5. Participated in the National Workshop on “Effective Business Communication and Presentation Skills” at St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur, from 19th to 20th December, 2013.
  6. Participated in the Workshop on “Effective Management of Xavier Board Colleges” organized by Xavier Board of Higher Education in Collaboration with Christ Deemed to be University, Bangalore held from 20-22, May 2014.
  7. Attended National Workshop on “Human Values Development Programme” Organized by AIACHE, Goa, on 9th – 12th February 2015.
  8. Participated in the “Knowledge Sharing Programme” at The ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education, at Hyderabad on 27-28 November, 2017.
  9. Participated in the “National Seminar for e-Laearning and MOOCs in Higher Education” MHRD, at St. Aloysius College(Autonomous), Jabalpur on 17th March, 2018.
  10. Participated in the “Faculty Training Workshop of South Asia” held at St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Jabalpur on 23-26, October. 2018.
  11. Participated in the workshop on “Revised Assessment and Accreditation Framework for Higher Education Institutions in India” organised at St. Aloysius College (Autonomous) on 15-16th December, 2018
  1. Published research article entitled “Higher Education in India: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities” published in International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, ISSN: 2249-2496, Volume 5, Issue 3, August 2015.
  2. Published article entitled “Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Indian Economy” in Foreign Direct Investment: Make in India, ISBN 978-93-313-2677-5, Pg. No. 14-20, August 2015.
  3. Published research article entitled “Quality and Employability in Higher Education in India” published in NINAD A Multidisciplinary Journal, ISSN: 2250-1037, Volume XIV, July 2016.
  4. Published research Article entitled “Impact of Social Movements on Democracy” in Aspects of Indian Democracy, ISBN 978-93-85835-27-2, Pg. No. 17-25
  5. Published research Article entitled “Collective Teaching Strategies for Knowledge Building and collective Wisdom in Higher Education” in Collaborative Teaching Strategies, ISBN 978-81-935231-7-9, Pg. No. 9-14.
  6. Published research article entitled, “Indian Democracy and Mass Movements in India: A Conceptual Framework” in International Journal in Social Sciences, Vol.9, Issue 8, August, 2019, Pg. No. 299-313.
  7. Published research article entitled “ Women’s Participation in the Mass Movements in India during Post and Pre Independent Period” in Naveen Shod Sanchar, Vol. III, Issue, XXIII.
  1. Principal, St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Jabalpur from 2nd April, 2024.
  2. Vice-Principal and Assistant Professor, St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur M.P. From 17th November, 2012 -2019.
  3. Administrator and Assistant Professor at SAIT from 2019-23
  4. Youth Secretary, Diocese of Jabalpur from 2016-22.
  5. Vice-President, Northern Region, in the Xavier Board for Higher Education in India. (A Catholic Association for Catholic Colleges in India).