Name: Dr. Mandira Kar
Head of Department
Area: Spline theory, Ideal Topology, Bitopology, Biomathematics
Qualification: M.Sc.,M.Phil., Ph.D.

Teaching Experience: Dr. Mrs Mandira Kar  is a Registered Research Guide in Mathematics and has a teaching experience of 37 years (UG- 37 years, PG- 19 years). She has taught in Govt. P.G. (Autonomous) College, Chhindwara from 05-01-87 to 11-08-92 (Regular Emergency Appointment). Currently she is Associate Professor Mathematics (4th pay band) instead of Currently she is Assistant Professor Mathematics (4th pay band)


    • She has been a Visiting Faculty for Faculty of Management Studies, College of Material Management, Jabalpur (regular as well as distance learning- MBA & PGDMM), G.S College of Commerce & Economics, Jabalpur (CA entrance), Bhoj University (distance learning B.Sc. and MBA) Govt. Project- in Pariksha Poorva Prashikshan Kendra, Jabalpur (banking/allied competitive exams for SC/ST students) and UGC scheme for coaching for NET exam in M.H. Women (Auto) College of Home Science & Science, Jabalpur


    • Member IQAC, St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur, Chairperson- Board of Studies, Mathematics Department, St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur, Member – Academic Council, St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur, St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur, Member- Board of Studies (Mathematics)- Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, RDVV, Jabalpur.Jabalpur, Member- Board of Studies (Mathematics)- Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, MH College of Home Science and Science (Autonomous), Jabalpur, Govt. P.G. (Autonomous) College, Chhindwara and Nodal Officer- Electoral Literacy Club, St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur
    • Previously she was also Member- Board of Studies (Mathematics) – Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic Vishwavidyalaya, Assistant Superintendent- Exams, St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur, Coordinator Women’s Cell.
    • She is a Life Member- Indian Mathematical Society, Life Member- All India Researchers Association, Life Member- Mahakoushal Vigyan Parishad, and Life Member- International Education Research Centre
    • She is Life Member- SIERP and Fellow- FSIERP

Research Experience:

    • • She has completed a Minor Research Project titled ‘Ideal Bitopological Space’ sanctioned by UGC, CRO, Bhopal worth Rs.1,80,000 (2011-13)
      • She is a Reviewer & Assistant Editor of Global Research Journal on Mathematics and Science Education (ISSN 2278-0769), Published by The Center for Mathematics Education and Research, India
      She is the Reviewer of International Journal of Mathematical Research- IJMR and in 2022 has reviewed for Asian Research Journal of Mathematics
      • She is Hon. Editorial Board Member – Educational Consultant Journal of Engineering Technology & Management Science (ISSN: 2229-9254)
      • She has attended 83 Conferences Seminar/Training Programme etc. (International 24, National 59) 14 FDP (International 04, National 10) and 02 Refresher (International Nil, National 02): Total 109
      • She has presented 70 Research Papers in 13 International and 57 National Conferences and has been invited as a resource person in 14 international/national conferences and delivered 18 invited talks and 01 Keynote Talk.
      • She has published 43 Research papers and 20 abstracts. 20 in Journals (14 International, 6 National), 20 Chapter in Books/Institutional Journals/Souvenir etc. (International Nil, National 20) 03 International Conference Proceedings/Handbook.
      • She was also invited as a resource person for UGC Scheme for Coaching for NET Exam in MH Women Autonomous College of Home Science & Science, Jabalpur
      • She was Member Advisory Board in 04 National Conferences and has Chaired sessions in 05 International/National conferences/workshops

Awards to students under guidance of Dr. Mandira Kar:

    • Ms. Kiran Kumari (M.Sc. IV semester) is the  recipient of the Youngest Scientist with Zeal Award for presenting jointly a research paper ‘Operations Research – A Tool for Entrepreneurship’ under the guidance of Dr. Mandira Kar. The award was presented to her at the 5th International Conference on Advances in Science, Society, Culture, Humanities and Technology 2017 on March 13th 2017.
    • Ms. Sanjiwani Pandey and Ms. Shubhasini Mishra (M.Sc. IV Semester- Mathematics) is the recipient of the Best Paper in Mathematics Award for presenting jointly a research paper ‘Assessment of Complete Sanitation under Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan (Gramin) – A Mathematical Case Study’ under the guidance of Dr. Mandira Kar. The award was presented to them at the National Seminar on Parallel Computing and Optimization Techniques 23-24 Feb 2019
  • Award to Dr. Mandira Kar:
      1. She is the recipient of the International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation Achievers Award.

      ‘In recognition of the consistent superior performance in Mathematics and upon the recommendations of the committee on IMRF Academic Awards’. The award was presented by IMRF Thailand Chapter on the eve of IMRF’s 58th International Gathering- ISCTH 2017 at Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand on Oct. 02nd 2017.

      1. She received a Memento and a shawl as a token of gratitude from St. Aloysius College Alumni Association, Jabalpur on Teacher’s Day 2018.
      2. She is the recipient of the Best Paper Award. The award was presented by Mahratta Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture Pune in the 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology on Sept. 29th 2018.
      3. She is the recipient of the Distinguished Women Scientist Award in Mathematics. The award was presented by International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation Dubai Academic Chapter and Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, Punjab, India at the International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, Dubai on Jan.18th-19th 2019
      4. She is the recipient of the Best Paper Award. The award was presented by IMRF Institute of Education and Research Dubai Chapter and Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, Punjab, India  at the International Conference on Advances in Mathematics, Computers and Physical Sciences Dubai 2019 on Jan.18th-19th 2019
      5. She received a Memento and a shawl as a token of gratitude from IMRF Institute of Education and Research Dubai Chapter and Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, Punjab, India  for delivering a Keynote Talk at the International Conference on Advances in Mathematics, Computers and Physical Sciences Dubai 2019 on Jan.18th-19th 2019
      6. She is the recipient of the Innovative Researcher& Dedicated Excellent Educationalist Award- Mathematics. Received soft copy of  the award from The Society of Innovative Educationalist &

      Scientific Research Professional, Chennai. Due to lockdown The Innovative Global Scientific Researchers Educationalist-Professionals & Journalist Awards & Fellowship Honors Convocation  2020-21 scheduled for 21 Feb 2021 has been postponed.

      To your outstanding extra ordinary skills & performance, merits, highest qualification. Innovative knowledge, development in scientific research & thesis, dissertation, projects, advancement in educational-professional initiatives, excellent exposure, practice, activities, paper publication, active participation for seminar & workshop , top credential & experience, educational-professional membership , contribution , continued dedicated services, high profile, scientific research journal editorial board member, sustained accomplishment, achievement, etc.,

PUBLICATIONS – 44           

  1. Paper titled: “Value System in a Pluralistic Society”                                     2005

Published in PARMITA Annual research Journal of the Darshan Parishad (M.P Chhattisgarh)

  1. Paper titled: “Flora and Traditional Medicinal Sciences”                                  July 2007

Published in SARTHI Aloysian Journal of Science and Religion

  1. Paper Titled: “Impact of I.T for Innovative Teaching in Higher Education”    N2007

Published in NINAD  A biannual multidisciplinary Aloysian  Journal (Vol. IV)

  1. Paper titled: “Gender Equity- A Challenge for Higher Education”                    2008

Published in a BOOK  Titled Quality Education: Prospects and Challenge

  1. Paper Titled:  “Teaching Competency and Measuring Index”         2009

Published in  SOUVENIR of National Seminar on Quest for Quality: Use of Innovative


  1. Paper Titled: “Education For All: A Renewed Commitment towards India Vision 2020” Published in a BOOK Titled Literacy: Time to act for nation building    (A compendium of Research papers)                                                                                                                  2009-10
  2. Paper Titled: “Evaluating & Improving Teaching in Higher Education”

Published in SOUVENIR Howbagh Women’s College, JBP (M.P)                              Nov. 2010

  1. Paper Titled: “RTI Act 2005- An Ideological Apparatus In Reducing The Gap between the Have & the Have-nots”           Dec. 2010

Published in NINAD  A biannual multidisciplinary Aloysian  Journal (Vol. VI)

  1. Paper Titled: “Quasi Semi Local Functions in Ideal Bitopological Spaces” Jan-June 2012

Published in AJAMMS – American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Volume 1, No. 1, Pg.31– 36

  1. Paper Titled: “Pair wise Open Sets in Ideal Bitopological Spaces”        May 2012

Publishe         d in IJMSA – International Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Applications Vol. 2, No. 2 pp 839-842

  1. Paper Titled: “Quasi Pre Local Functions in Ideal Bitopological Space”             July 2012

Published in PROCEEDINGS of International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Applied Soft Computing

  1. Paper Titled: “qpI- Irresolute Functions in Ideal Bitopological Spaces”         Sep-Oct. 2012

Published in IOSR-JM – IOSR Journal of Mathematics Volume 3, Issue 2, Pg 22-24


  1. Paper Titled: “On qI- Irresolute Mappings”                                      2012

Published in IJMA – International Journal of Mathematical Archive- 3(11)

  1. Paper Titled: “qsI- Irresolute Functions in Ideal Bitopological Spaces” 2012

Published in JIAM – The Journal of the Indian Academy of Mathematics Vol. 34 No. 2 pp 615-620

  1. Paper Titled: Teaching Applications of Mathematics             2012   

Published in Souvenir of National Workshop on Application of Mathematics in Different fields of Science pp 27-28

  1. Paper Titled: “Constructible numbers”                                                                       2012

Published in VEDANG – Journal on National Symposia on History of Mathematics

(A compendium of Research papers)

  1. Paper Titled: “Vedic Mathematics – A compendium of Sutras”             May 2013

Published in MTM – Mathematical Theory and Modeling Vol.3, No.6

  1. Paper Titled: “Contra qpI- Continuous Functions in Ideal Bitopological Spaces”    2013

Published in MTM – Mathematical Theory and Modeling Vol.3, No.9

  1. Paper Titled: “Legal Measures to Combat Violence against Women- Thereby Facilitating Women Empowerment”                                                                       2013

Published in a 1`BOOK Titled Gender Violence

  1. Paper Titled: “Mathematics of Gender Budgeting ‘A catalyst for Gender Equity and Women Empowerment”                                                                   

Published in a BOOK Titled Empowerment of Women through Gender Budgeting       2013

  1. Paper Titled: “Connectedness in Ideal Bitopological Spaces”      2014

Published in IJERA-  International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications Vol.4, Issue 1, Version 3  pp  165-167                                                                      

  1. Paper Titled: “Contra qsI- continuous functions in Ideal Bitopological Spaces” 2014                   

Published in International Journal of Science and Research Vol. 3(2)

  1. Paper Titled: “Spiritual Teachings of Swami Vivekananda”

Published in a Book Titled Swami Vivekananda And Global Education Vedanta   Publications Lucknow Chapter XII pp 117-132                                                                        2014

  1. Paper Titled: “The Ramakrishna Movement”    2014

Published in NINAD Special Issue on Swami Vivekananda in the Present Context Vol. XII,

  1. Paper Titled: “I- Continuous functions in Ideal Bitopological Spaces” *                        2014

Published in American Journal of Engineering Research, Vol.3 (3)

*     Publisher Country United States

  1. Paper titled: “Extremally Disconnectedness in Ideal Bitopological spaces” **       July 2014           

Published in General Math Notes, Vol. 23(1), pp. 68-78

**   Publisher Country Jordan

  1. Paper Titled: “Contra qI- Continuous Functions in Ideal Bitopological Spaces”           2015

Published in Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal, Vol.4 Issue 1 ISSN 2278-

8697 pp 287-289

  1. Paper Titled: “Bio  Mathematics – A Special Reference to Matrices”                              2015

Published in MTM – Mathematical Theory and Modeling Vol.5, No.10

  1. Paper Titled: “Quasi α- Local Functions in Ideal Bitopological Spaces”                           2015

International Journal of Science and Research Vol 4,issue 12 pp 649-653

  1. Paper Titled: “On qαI-Irresolute Mappings”                                                                  2016

Published in American Journal of Mathematics and Sciences Vol. 5, Issue 1; ISSN 2250-3102 pp1-4

  1. Paper Titled: “Use of Mathematics to Stimulate the Biological World”                             2017

Published in Proceedings/Handbook of the International Science Congress Thailand 2017- ISCTH 2017

ISBN 978-93-86435-17-0 pp.24-25

  1. Paper Titled: “qpI-Connectedness in Ideal Bitopological Spaces”                                      2018

Published in Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal, Vol. 7 Spl. Issue 4 pp. 134-137

(ISSN: 2278-8697)

  1. Paper Titled: “qsI-Connectedness in Ideal Bitopological Spaces”                    2018

Published in Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Vol. 5, Issue 8

            (e-ISSN: 2349-  5162) pp. 788-791. (ISSN-2349-5162)

  1. Paper Titled: “qI-Connectedness in Ideal Bitopological Spaces”                            2018

Published in (IJMTE) International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, Vol.

8, Issue IX pp. 234-239. (ISSN NO: 2249-7455)

  1. Paper Titled: “Trigger The Mathematics Within”

Published in Proceedings/Handbook of the International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference Dubai,

UAE, IMAC DUBAI 2019 pp.21-22. (ISBN 978-93-86435-67-5)                                             Jan. 2019

  1. Paper Titled: “‘A Roadmap to NAAC Assessment & Accreditation: Emphasis on Criterion V’

Published in a BOOK Titled Quality Education pp. 227-237 (ISBN 978-93-88316-91-0)                 2020

  1. Paper Titled: “Usage of Mathematics as a Pedagogic Tool in Teaching Economics: A Case Study”

Published in a BOOK Titled Interdisciplinary Approach in Education and Industrial Requirements pp.13-25 (ISBN: 978-81-947377-0-4)                                                                                           2020

  1. Paper Titled: “Online Education: Opportunity Post Covid 19”

Published in a BOOK Titled Pandemics 2020 Opportunities & Challenges pp. 61-65.

(ISBN: 978-81-945302-6-8)                                             2020

  1. Paper Titled: “Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy & Online Education”

Published in a BOOK Role of Resources and Mind Mastering Strategies pp. 127-130

(ISBN 978-93-91267-24-)                                                                                                                      2021

  1. Paper Titled: I- Connectedness in Ideal Bitopological Spaces”                                                      2021

Published in Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal Vol.10 Issue 2 pp. 47-5

Vol.10 Issue 2 (ISSN: 2278- 8697)                           2021

41.Paper Titled:  Quasi Semi-Pre Local Functions in Ideal Bitopological Spaces

Published in Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal, Vol. 12 Issue 1 pp. 40-45

(ISSN: 2278-8697)                                                                        2023

42. Paper Titled: Mathematical Heritage and India’s Contribution pp. 36-39 Published in a BOOK Scientific Approach for Self-Reliant India pp. 36-39 Code R0273 (ISBN 978-93-91267-49-0)
43. 43. Paper Titled: Optimization Models with Real-World Perspective pp. 40-46, Published in a BOOK Scientific Approach for Self-Reliant India pp. 40-46 Code R0273, (ISBN 978-93-91267-49-0)

44. Paper Titled: Mathematical Legacy to the World from India in Context to NEP 2020, Published in a BOOK National Education Policy: Reshaping the Future pp.  286-296 (ISBN 978-93-5829-924-3)

  1. She was Convenor – National Training Programme on ‘The Art of Mathematical Modeling as Teaching Pedagogy’ on 09 – 10 Feb. 2018. The training programme was sponsored by United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia.
  2. She was the Chief Organizing Secretary – National Seminar on ‘Envisioning a Healthy India: Health, Hygiene, Mother and Child’ 21-23 Feb. 2019 Organized by St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by UGC
  3. She was Coordinator – National Online Certificate Course on ‘Research Documentation through Latex’ on 17-25 August 2020)
  4. She was Convenor – One Week Training Programme on ‘Vedic Mathematics’ 13-19 July 2021
  5. She was Coordinator- Online International Conference- ‘Advances in Physical Mathematical & Computational Sciences’ SAC, JBP, M.P. 12-13 June 2020
  6. She was Coordinator 2nd Online International Conference on ‘Advances in Physical Mathematical Computational Sciences’ 23-24 July 2021
  7. She was the Chief Organizing Secretary3rd Online International Conference on ‘Advances in Physical Mathematical & Computational Sciences’ 24-25 June 2022
  8. She was Convenor – National Webinar on ‘History and Recent Trends in Mathematics’ 22 Dec. 2022
  9. She Convened – National Webinar on ‘Recent Advances in Mathematics’ 21 Dec. 2023She was the Coordinator of One Week Mathematical Induction Programme ‘Ganit Parv‘ Dec. 16-21 & Jan. 4 2023 sponsored by MPCST, Bhopal & NCSTC, DST, GOI New Delhi

ATTENDED – Total 115 

  1. National Seminar on Applications of Mathematics in Science & Technology. 23- 24 Mar 2003 Organized by Govt.  Model Sc. College (Autonomous) JBP M.P
  2. Teachers’ Workshop on Quest for Unity: Dialogue between Science   and Religion 3-4 December, 2004., Organized by St. Aloysius’ College JBP M.P in collaboration with Metanexus Institute Philadelphia, USA
  3. First National Congress   5-6 Mar 2005 Organized by Mankunvar Bai College of Arts and Commerce JBP M.P Sponsored by Indian Philosophical Research Forum New Delhi
  4. National Seminar on Modern Science   and Spirituality   11- 12   May 2005. Organized by Aloysius’ College JBP M.P in collaboration with Metanexus Institute Philadelphia, USA and   IISR Pune.
  5. Faculty Development Program on Computer skills 23-26 Sep 2005 Organized by   ICFAI University)
  6. Faculty Development Program on Mentoring 28 Jan 2006 Organized by   ICFAI University
  7. National Conference   27-28 Feb 2006, Organized by Political Science Post Graduate and Research Department, RDVV, JBP, (M.P)
  8. National Seminar on Ecology & Religion: Ecological Spirituality in Cross Cultural Perspective, 4- 5 March 2006. Organized by S Aloysius’ College (Accredited A+ by NAAC), JBP (M.P) in collaboration with Metanexus Institute Philadelphia, USA
  9. National Seminar on Analysis & Approximation 12-13 April 2006 Organized by Department of Mathematics R.D.V.V. JBP.
  10. National Seminar on Quality Enhancement In Higher Education: Prospects And Challenges, 23-24 June2006 Organized by Aloysius College (Accredited A+ by NAAC), College with Potential for Excellence by UGC, JBP, (M.P) Sponsored by NAAC Bangalore
  11. National Seminar on Status of Indian Women, 24-25 Nov 2006 Organized by Kamala Nehru Girls College, Ranjhi, JBP (M.P), Sponsored by M.P Higher Education, Bhopal, (M.P)
  12. Invited National Seminar on Social Status of Women in India   20 – 21 Jan 2007. Organized by Kamala Nehru Girls College, Damoh, (M.P) Sponsored by M.P Higher Education, Bhopal, (M.P)
  13. Invited National Seminar on Women Politics & Change in India. 17, 18 and 19 Feb 2007. Organized by Hitkarni  Mahila Mahavidyalaya, (Accredited B by NAAC), Jabalpur, (M.P) Sponsored by UGC, New Delhi
  14. National Conference on P. State with Golden Future. 24-25-Feb. 2007 Organized by Govt. Girls College, Khargone (M.P) Sponsored by UGC, New Delhi
  15. National Seminar on Right to Information Act -24-25 Feb.2007.   Organized by Girls College, Khargone (M.P) Sponsored by UGC, New Delhi
  16. Ramanujam Annual Distinguished Lecture Series on Invariant Theory12-13 March 2007 Organized by PDPM, IIITDM, JBP (M.P)
  17. National Workshop on Effective Role of Information Technology for Innovative Teaching in Higher Education 18- 20 March 2007 Organized by Aloysius’ College, JBP (M.P)  (Accredited A+ by NAAC), College with Potential for Excellence by UGC, Sponsored by UGC, New Delhi
  18. National Workshop on Teaching & Learning Physics through Mathematica. 28- 31 March 2007. Organized by St Aloysius’ College, JBP (P) (Accredited A+ by NAAC), College with Potential for Excellence by UGC, Sponsored by UGC, (CRO) Bhopal, (M.P)
  19. State level Workshop on Reaccreditation: Periodical Quality Assessment in Higher Education 2- 3 November 2007 Organized by Model Science (Autonomous) College JBP (M.P)  Centre for Excellence for Science Education, Govt. of M.P. (Accredited A by NAAC), College with Potential for Excellence by UGC
  20. National Seminar on Need for values in the Scientific & Technological Scenario 3- 4  March.2008 Organized by Aloysius’ (Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) (Accredited A+ by NAAC), College with Potential for Excellence by UGC, Sponsored by IISR, Pune
  21. National Seminar on Contemporary Trends in life Sciences: Prospects and Challenges Ahead 16-17 Apr 2008. Organized by Aloysius’ (Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) (Accredited A+ by NAAC), College with Potential for Excellence by UGC. Sponsored by MPCST, Bhopal and Cosponsored by CPE Scheme UGC, New Delhi
  22. National Seminar on Quest for Quality: Use of Innovative Practices 6-7 Feb 2009 Organized by Model Science (Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Centre for Excellence for Science Education, Govt. of M.P. (Accredited A by NAAC),College with Potential for Excellence by UGC
  23. National Workshop on Integration of Science and Spirituality to instill Values in Youth: Curriculum Development 20-21 Feb 2009. Organized by Aloysius’ (Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) (Accredited A+ by NAAC),College with Potential for Excellence by UGC, Sponsored by IISR, Pune
  24. National Seminar onWomen Empowerment in Modern Indian Society 27-28 Feb 2009 Organized by Chanchala Bai Patel Mahila Mahavidyalaya, JBP (M.P)  Sponsored by UGC, New Delhi
  25. Workshop on Disaster Risk Management 25 Sept 2009 under Urban Earthquake Vulnerability Reduction Program (UEVRP) Sponsored by of India U.N.D.P. District Administration, JBP (M.P)
  26. Faculty Development Training Program on SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) 29- Oct 2009 Organized by Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) (Accredited A+ by NAAC),College with Potential for Excellence by UGC Sponsored under the scheme of college with potential for Excellence, UGC, New Delhi
  27. National Seminar on Nanotechnology: A Futuristic Application in all disciplines of Science 12-13 Dec2009 Organized by Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP  (M.P) (Accredited A+ by NAAC), Sponsored by UGC,(CRO) Bhopal, M.P
  28. Workshop on Contemporary Trends in Research Methodology 02-06 Feb 2010 Organized by ASC, Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, JBP M.P(Accredited B by NAAC),  Sponsored by UGC , New Delhi
  29. Workshop on Literacy & Nation Building 19 Feb 2010 Organized by Resource Centre for Adult & Continuing Education (State Resource Centre), Bhopal,
  30. National Seminar onTeaching Methods, Teaching Aids & Use of Modern Technology 10-11 Nov., 2010 Organized by Department of Education, Howbagh Women’s college, JBP (M.P)  Sponsored by UGC, (CRO) Bhopal, (M.P)
  31. P Mahila Vigyan Sammelan 2010 18-19 Dec 2010 Organized by Shakti –Women wing of Mahakaushal Vigyan Parishad and Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya JBP supported by M.P Council of Science & Technology Bhopal, (M.P)
  32. Seminar & Industrial Meet on New Industrial Policy,2010,Govt. of M.P 19th Jan,2011 Organized by Department of Commerce St. Aloysius’ (Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) (Reaccredited A level by NAAC),College with Potential for Excellence by UGC Sponsored by P.AKVN Limited, JBP, (M.P)
  33. National Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation- (MMAS 2011) 25-27 March,2011, Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, IIIT, BHU, Varanasi under Special Assistance Program, UGC                                                                                  
  34. National Workshop on Chemistry for Life (International Year of Chemistry Celebration) 12-13 Sept 2011 Organized by Mahakaushal Vigyan Parishad and Model Science (Autonomous) College JBP (M.P) supported by M.P Council of Science & Technology Bhopal, (M.P)
  35. National Seminar onEffect of Environmental Factors on Personality Development 9-10 Dec, 2011 Organized by Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) (Reaccredited A level by NAAC: CGPA- 3.5/4),College with Potential for Excellence by UGC  Sponsored by UGC,(CRO), Bhopal, (M.P)
  36. National Conference on Advancement in Information, Communication and Technology-(NCAICT 2011) 14-15 Oct 2011 Organized by Department of Computer Science & Application, St. Aloysius’ (Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) (Reaccredited A level by NAAC),College with Potential for Excellence by UGC (
  37. Invited as a Resource Person National Workshop on Application of Differential Equations to Real World Problem 26-28 Feb 2012 Organized by Indira Gandhi Home Science Girls College, Shahdol, (M.P) Sponsored by UGC,(CRO), Bhopal, (M.P)                                                               
  38. Workshop on Bharitya Grameen Vikas 28 Feb 2012 Organized by Directorate of Field Publicity. JBP Sponsored by of  India, Ministry of  Information & Broadcasting, and Directorate of Field Publicity Chhattisgarh & M.P (East) Region
  39. National Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation- (MMAS 2012) 23-25 March,2012, Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, IIIT, BHU, Varanasi under Special Assistance Program, UGC                                                                                   
  40. International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Applied Soft Computing- (MMASC 2012) 11-13 July, 2012, Organized by Department of Mathematics, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu                                             
  41. National Conference onRight to Education: Challenges & Opportunities 31Aug-1 Sept 2012 Organized by Department of Education, Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) (Reaccredited A level by NAAC: CGPA- 3.5/4),College with Potential for Excellence by UGC  Sponsored by UGC, Bhopal, (M.P) and ICSSR, New Delhi
  42. National Workshop on Indian Mathematicians before and after Ramanujan (National Year of Mathematics Celebration) 14-15 Sept 2012 Organized by Mahakaushal Vigyan Parishad and Model Science (Autonomous) College JBP (M.P) supported by National Council for Science & Technology Communications, Govt. of India, New Delhi & M.P Council of Science & Technology Bhopal, (M.P                                                                                                      
  43. Invited as a Resource Person National Workshop on Applications of Mathematics in Different Fields of Science 12-14 Oct 2012, Organized by Department of  Mathematics, Govt. Nagarjuna P.G College of Science, Raipur (C.G)
  44. National Seminar on Recent trends on Mathematical Science and Applications 4-5 Nov. 2012 Organized by Department of Mathematics, Chhatrasal govt. P.G. College, Panna (M.P) Sponsored by UGC, CRO, Bhopal, (M.P)
  45. Invited National Seminar on Empowerment of Women through Gender Budgeting in India 30thNov-1st Dec 2012 Organized by Department of Commerce Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya (Autonomous) JBP Sponsored by UGC, (CRO) Bhopal, (M.P)
  46. National Conference onRecent Advances in Mathematics 12-14 Dec 2012, Organized by Department of  Mathematics D.V.V. JBP (M.P)
  47. 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Science and Applications 16 Dec 2012 Organized by Mind Reader Publications New Delhi
  48. Invited as a Resource Person National Symposia on History of Indian Mathematics 22-23 Dec 2012 Organized by J.H. P.G. College Betul (M.P) Sponsored by MPCOST Bhopal
  49. International Conference on Mathematical Sciences 28-31 Dec 2012 Organized by SSES Amt’s Science College Nagpur Sponsored by UGC,DST,CSIR,INSA
  50. National Seminar on Punarjagran Andolan Mein Swami Vivekanada Ka Yogdaan Avam Vartaman Mein Iski  Prasangikta 11-12 Jan2013 Organized by Department of  History Girls College, Ranjhi, JBP M.P, Sponsored by UGC, (CRO) Bhopal, (M.P)
  51. National Seminar on Swami Vivekanada Ke Shiksha Vishyak Vichar: Samagr Samajik Vikas Ke Sandarbh Mein Organized by Maharishi Patanjali Sanskrit Sansthanam Bhopal avam Bharatiya Shiksha Sodh Sanasthan Lucknow
  52. Invited as a Resource Person  Guest lecture on Mathematics for Biologists Organized by Department of Zoology & Biotechnology, St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) (Reaccredited A level by NAAC: CGPA- 3.5/4),College with Potential for Excellence by UGC
  53. National Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences 22-23 Mar 2013 Organized by Jabalpur Engineering College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by DTE, Bhopal, (M.P)
  54. Invited as  a Resource Person International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Sciences with Engineering Applications (RTASEA-2013) 26-28 April 2013 Organized by Truba Institute of Engineering & Information Technology, Bhopal M.P. (India)
  55. National Workshop on Science Technology Communication 15-21 Sept. 2013 Organized by Mahakaushal Vigyan Parishad and Model Science (Autonomous) College JBP (M.P) supported by National Council for Science & Technology Communications, Govt. of India, New Delhi & Department of Atomic Energy Govt. of India, New Delhi
  56. 18th Annual cum 3rd International Conference of GAMS on Mathematical, Computational and Integrative Sciences 22-26 Sept 2013 Organized by Department of Mathematics & Computer Applications, MANIT, Bhopal
  57. Guest lecture on Elementary Ideas of Matrices 22 Oct.2013 Organized by Department of Zoology & Biotechnology, St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) (Reaccredited A level by NAAC: CGPA- 3.5/4),College with Potential for Excellence by UGC
  58. National Workshop on Ladkiyon Ke Liye Ek Din 23-25 Oct 2013 Organized by Department of Hindi Howbagh Women’s College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by UGC,(CRO), Bhopal, (M.P)
  59. National Conference onPure & Applied Mathematics 4-5 Jan 2014 Organized by Department of  Mathematics Mata Gujri Mahila (Auto)Mahavidyalaya JBP Sponsored by UGC,  Bhopal, (M.P).X+
  60. National Conference onRight to Information as a Tool to Empower the Citizen 31Jan-1Feb 2014 Organized by G Department of Political Science, St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by UGC
  61. Obtained Grade “A” in Special Summer Schools (RC/OP) on Teaching, Testing and Research in Higher Education 23 June – 07 July 2014 Organized by G.C. ASC, Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, JBP, (M.P.)
  62. International Conference on Exploring Trends and Practices in Information Technology and Management 5-6 Jan 2015 Organized by Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by UGC, CRO, Bhopal and MPCST, Bhopal (M.P.)
  63. Invited National Workshop on Numerical Mathematics 27-28 Jan 2015 Organized by Mata Gujri Mahila (Auto)Mahavidyalaya JBP Sponsored by UGC, CRO, Bhopal, (M.P)
  64. National Conference on Rastriya Ekta Savardhan mein Sant Ravidas ke Vicharo ki Prasingikta 27-28 Feb 2015 Organized by Department of Hindi, Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by UGC, CRO, Bhopal, (M.P) & ISSR New Delhi
  65. National Seminar on Bharat mein Kala Sanskriti- Sanskritik chetr mein agrani mahilayein- ek Punravlokan Women Week 2015 Organized by INTAC Supported by Police IG, Women Cell, Jabalpur Commissioner Office, Jabalpur
  66. International Conference on Advances in Mathematical Sciences 19-21 Mar 2015 Organized by GSSDGS Khalsa College, Patiala, India & IMRF.
  67. Invited as a Resource Person National Conference on Advancement in Science & Technology for Sustainable Future  15-16 May 2015 Organized by Department of Mathematics & Mechanical Engineering, Technocrats Institute of Technology & Science in Association with The Institution of Engineers Sponsored by P. Council of Science & Technology, Jabalpur 
  68. Workshop on Human Values Development Programme (HVDP) 16-17 June 2015 Organized by All India Association for Christian Higher Education & St. Aloysius College (Auto), Jabalpur, M.P.
  69. Invited as a Resource Person National Conference on Recenk, 1t trends in Mathematics and its Applications (NCRTMA-2015) 12-13 Sept. 2015 Organized by Mungasaji Maharaj Mahavidyalaya Darwha, Yavatmal Dist. Maharashtra. Sponsored by UGC, WRO Pune
  70. 1st International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET 2015) 29-30 Dec 2015 Organized by Mind Reader Publications New Delhi and IJMSA
  71. Invited as a Resource Person National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Mathematics and its Applications 6 Feb 2016 Organized by Mata Gujri Mahila (Auto)Mahavidyalaya JBP Sponsored by MAPCOST, Bhopal
  72. National Conference on Role of Academic Audit in Enhancing the Quality of Higher Education in India 21-22 Oct 2016 Organized by Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by ICSSR
  73. National Seminar on New Dimensions in Corporate Social Responsibility 20-21 Jan 2017 Organized by Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by UGC, CRO Bhopal
  74. Training Programme on Project Based Learning & Need of Academic Audit in Enhancing the Quality of Higher Education 27-28 Jan 2017 Organized by Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by United Board
  75. 5th International Conference on Advances in Science, Society, Culture, Humanities and Technology 2017 (IC- ASSCHT-2017) 11-13 March 2017 Organised by N. Jain College, JBP (M.P) in collaboration with South Asia Management Association Sponsored by MAPCOST, Bhopal
  76. National Seminar on Spiritual Intelligence and Mental Health: A New Paradigm in Teacher Education 24-25 March 2017 Organized by Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by UGC, CRO Bhopal
  77. Invited as a Resource Person and Chairperson International Science Congress Thailand 2017- ISCTH 2017 02-03 Oct. 2017 Organized by Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand and International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation, Thailand Chapter
  78. International Science Congress Thailand 2017- ISCTH 2017 Post conference Workshop 04-06 Oct. 2017 Organized by Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand and International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation, Thailand Chapter
  79. Convener and Chairperson of IIIrd Technical Session National Training Programme on ‘The Art of Mathematical Modeling as Teaching Pedagogy’ 9-10 Feb. 2018. Organized by SAC, Jabalpur Sponsored by United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia.
  80. National Seminar on e-learning and MOOCs in Higher Education 17th March 2018 Organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre of MHRD, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi in collaboration with St. Aloysius College (Auto), Jabalpur
  81. Advisory Board Member National Workshop on ‘Vedic Mathematics’ 12-05-18 Organized by of Mathematics & Physics, Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College Sponsored by MPCST
  82. 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICETSET-2018) held on 29-30 Sept. 2018 Organized by Mahratta Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture, Pune, India.
  83. Advisory Board Member & Chairperson Workshop on ‘Revised Assessment and Accreditation Framework for Higher Education Institutions in India’ 15th-16th Dec. 2018. Organized by SAC, Jabalpur and sponsored by United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia.
  84. International Conference on Advances in Mathematics, Computers and Physical Sciences Dubai 2019 18-19 Jan. 2019 Organized by, IMRF Institute of Education and Research Dubai Chapter and Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, Punjab, India
  85. Invited as a Resource Person and Chairperson International Conference on Advances in Mathematics, Computers and Physical Sciences Dubai 2019 18-19 Jan. 2019 Organized by IMRF Institute of Education and Research Dubai Chapter and Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, Punjab, India
  86. Chief Organizing Secretary National Seminar on ‘Envisioning a Healthy India: Healthy, Hygiene, Mother and Child’ 21-23 Feb. 2019 Organized by Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by UGC
  87. Advisory Board Member National Seminar on Parallel Computing and Optimization Techniques 23-24 Feb 2019 Organized by Home Science College, Jabalpur
  88. Advisory Board Member National Seminar cum Workshop on Numerical Methods and its Applications 29-30 March 2019 Organized by Department of Mathematics, Gyan Ganga College of Technology Sponsored by MPCST 
  89. International Conference on Mathematical Engineering Applications for Sustainable Development-2019 16-18 August 2019 Organized jointly by IIM Australia and IMRF Malaysia Chapter at University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  90. National Seminar on Accreditation, Ranking and Quality: A Paradigm Shift for Strategic Enhancement in Higher Education 8-9 Nov 2019 Organized by IQAC, St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by NAAC
  91. National Seminar on Central Role of Mathematics in Physical Sciences 16-17 Nov 2019 Organized by Dept. of Mathematics & Computer Science, Govt. Science (Model & Autonomous) College, JBP M.P
  92. International Conference on Engineering, Mathematical and Computational Intelligence (ICEMCI19) 21-23 Dec 2019 Organized by Jabalpur Engineering College, JBP with Walchand College of Engineering and FATER Academy of India, Sponsored by TEQIP_III
  93. Seven days Online International FDP on Mathematical Modeling for Data analytics & Engineering 29 June-5 July 2020 Organized by Kumaragura College of Technology, Coimbatore
  94. Seven days National e-FDP on New Narrative of NAAC 1-7 August 2020 Organized by RR Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore
  95. Seven days FDP on Developing Teaching Techniques & Research Skills 15-22 Feb 2021 Organized by Govt. Mahakoushal Arts & Commerce, Jabalpur
  96. Seven days Refresher Course on Implementation of NEP 2020 in Higher Education 17-23 March 2021 Organized by Bundelkhand University, Jhansi
  97. Online certificate Course on Soft Skills 27 July- 4 August 2020 Organized by Pioneer Kumaraswamy College, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu

Many Online National Workshops/FDP/e-Conferences/ Webinars/Quizzes b/w May 2020 & June


  1. Two Week Online FDP on Developing Online Courses for Swayam 21 June-5 July 2021 Organized by Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani & CEMCA, New Delhi
  2. Seven Days International Virtual FDP on Global Vision for Academic Excellence 5-11 July 2021 Organized by School of Social Work, Roshani Nityaya
  3. Six days (36 Contact hours) Online FDP on Best Practices in Development of E-Content 12-17 July 2021 Organized by Govt. of M.P. Dept. of Higher Education
  4. Research Study on Academic Leadership Roles July-Nov. 2021 Organized by National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research, Bhopal
  5. International FDP on Mathematical Modelling of Biosystems with Special Focus on Epidemiology 22-27 Aug. 2022 Organized by Mizoram University
  6. Five Day National Online FDP on Effective Pedagogy for Science 29 Nov.- 3 Dec. 2022 Organized by Departments of Physics and Mathematics, JMJ College for Women (Autonomous), Tenali.
  7. Convener and Resource Person National Webinar on History and Recent Trends in Mathematics 22 Dec. 2022 Organized by Department of Mathematics, Patna Women’s (Autonomous) College Patna and St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P)
  8. National Seminar on National Education Policy 2020: A Powerful Tool to Re-Establish Bharat as Viswa Guru 27-28 Jan. 2023 Organized by St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by ICSSR
  9. International Conference on Role of Science Education and Technology in Making India Self Reliant and Globally Competent (ICR-SET 2023) 3-4 March 2023 Organized by St. Aloysius Institute of Technology, JBP (M.P)
  10. Seven Days FDP on ICT Tools for Teaching Learning Process and Higher Educational Institutes 27 Feb.- 6 March 2023 Organized by Govt. Mahakoshal Arts & Commerce (Autonomous Lead) College, JBP (M.P) under MPHEQIP & World Bank Project
  11. One Week Online FDP on Develop Skill Panorama on Research Methodology Based Data Analysis Using R 21-27 August 2023 Organized by Bhau Rao-Devras Shodh Peeth, University of Lucknow & Science Tech Institute, Lucknow
  12. Refresher Course in Mathematical Sciences 31 Oct. -14 Nov. 2023 Organized by Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan College, University of Delhi in collaboration with Sri Sarada Autonomous College for Women  under the aegis of Ministry of Education Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (Obtained Grade A+).
  13. Convener and Resource Person National Webinar on Recent Advances in Mathematics 21 Dec. 2023 Organized by Department of Mathematics, Patna Women’s (Autonomous) College Patna and St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P)
  14. Convenor One Week Mathematical Induction Ganit Parv 16-22 Dec. 2023 & 4 Jan. 2024 Organized by Department of Mathematics, St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by MPCST, Bhopal & NCSTC, DST, GOI New Delhi
  15. Two-Day Online Hands-On Workshop to Mastering Operations Research Concepts with Python Programming 20-21 Jan. 2024 Organized by Indian Mathematics Professors Association and Infinity Research & Development Institute, Coimbatore
  16. NEP 2020 Sensitization & Orientation Programme under Malviya Mission Teacher Training Programme 9-18 Jan. 2024 Organized by Central Institute of Jammu
  17. One-Day National Webinar on Air Pollution Responsible for Increasing Rate of Lung Cancer 2 March 2024 Organized by UGC-Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi in collaboration with Indian Cancer Society.
  18. National Seminar on Education for Sustainability: Navigating the Changing Landscape of Higher Education 1-2 March 2024 Organized by Department of Education St. Aloysius (Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by ICSSR


Papers PRESENTED – Total 88



First   National Congress   5-6 Mar 2005 Govt. Mankunvar Bai College of Arts and Commerce JBP M.P Sponsored by Indian Philosophical Research Forum New Delhi

  1. Paper titled:  Value System in a Pluralistic Society

National Conference   27-28 Feb 2006, Organized by Political Science Post graduate and Research Department, RDVV   JBP.                                                           

  1. Paper titled: Globalization and Changing Dimensions of Education

 National Seminar on Ecology & Religion: Ecological Spirituality in Cross Cultural Perspective, 4- 5 March 2006. Organized by St. Aloysius’ College JBP M.P in collaboration with Metanexus Institute Philadelphia, USA

  1. Paper titled:  Flora and Traditional Medicinal Sciences

 National Seminar on Quality Enhancement in Higher Education: Prospects and Challenges, 23-24 June2006 Organized by St. Aloysius College, JBP Sponsored by NAAC Bangalore

  1. Papers titled: Gats and its Implication                                                
  2. Gender Equity:  A Challenge for Higher Education

 National Seminar on Status of Indian Women, 24-25 Nov 2006 Organized by Govt. Girls College, Ranjhi, JBP M.P, Sponsored by M.P Higher Education, Bhopal

  1. Papers titled: Empowerment of women and family life in the Indian context: An honest reflection    
  1. Gender Inequity in the Education Sector-The Need of the Hour                                   

 National Seminar on Social Status of Women in India   20 – 21 Jan 2007. Organized by Govt. Kamala Nehru Girls College, Damoh Sponsored by M.P Higher Education, Bhopal

  1. Invited Talk Titled: Winds of change in the life of Indian women.

 National Seminar on Women Politics & Change in India17, 18 and 19 Feb 2007. Organized by Hitkarni   Girls College, Jabalpur M.P Sponsored by UGC, New Delhi

  1. Invited Talk Titled: Legal Provision to combat Violence- An Emphasis On Domestic Violence

 National Conference on M.P. State with Golden Future. 24-25-Feb. 2007 Organized by Govt. Girls College, Khargone M.P Sponsored by UGC, New Delhi

  1. Paper Titled: M.P. State with a Golden Future in Developments Perspectives

 National Seminar on Right To Information Act -24-25 Feb.2007. Organized by Govt. Girls College, Khargone M.P Sponsored by UGC, New Delhi

  1. Paper Titled: RTI Act 2005-An Ideological Apparatus In Reducing The Gap between the Have & the Have-nots

 National Workshop on Effective Role of Information Technology For Innovative Teaching in Higher Education 18-20 March 2007. Organized by St. Aloysius’ College, JBP. Sponsored by UGC, New Delhi

  1. Papers Titled:  Impact of I.T for Innovative Teaching in Higher Education
  2. Virtually Yours in Mathematics: Famous Mathematicians

State level Workshop on Reaccreditation: Periodical Quality Assessment in Higher Education 2- 3 November 2007 Organized by Govt. Model Science College (Autonomous) JBP M.P

  1. Paper Titled: Need for Quality Assessment in Higher Educational Institutions-Quest for Excellence

 National Seminar on Need for values in the Scientific & Technological Scenario 3- 4 2008 March, Organized by St. Aloysius’ College, (Autonomous) JBP M.P. Sponsored by IISR, Pune

  1. Paper/Poster Titled: Corporate Social Responsibility One Step Towards an Equitable Society  

 National Seminar on Quest for Quality: Use of Innovative Practices 6-7Feb 2009 Organized by Govt. Model Science College (Autonomous) JBP M.P

  1. Paper Titled: Teaching Competency and Measuring Index

 National Workshop on Integration of Science and Spirituality to instill Values in Youth: Curriculum Development 20-21 Feb 2009. Organized by St. Aloysius’ College JBP M.P Sponsored by IISR, Pune

  1. Poster/Paper Titled: Discover The Power Of Gratitude To Unleash Unlimited Abundance and Happiness in Your Life

 National Seminar on Women Empowerment in Modern Indian Society 27-28 Feb 2009 Organized by Chanchal Bai Patel Mahila Mahavidyalaya, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by UGC, New Delhi

  1. Paper Titled: Legal Measures to combat Violence on Women- Thereby Facilitating Women Empowerment

 Workshop on Literacy & Nation Building 19 Feb 2010 Organized by Resource Centre for Adult & Continuing Education (State Resource Centre), Bhopal, (M.P)

  1. Paper Titled: Education For All-A Renewed Commitment towards INDIA VISION 2020

National Seminar on Teaching Methods, Teaching Aids& Use of Modern Technology 10-11 Dec, 2010 Organized by Department of  Education, Howbagh Women’s College, JBP (M.P)  Sponsored by UGC, Bhopal, (M.P)

  1. Paper Titled: Evaluating & Improving Teaching in Higher Education

 M.P Mahila Vigyan Sammelan 2010 18-19 Dec 2010 Shakti –Women wing of Mahakaushal Vigyan Parishad and Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya

  1. Paper Titled: Economics made easy through Calculus                   

 National Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation 25-27 March,2011, Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, IIIT, BHU, Varanasi Under Special Assistance Program, UGC

  1. Paper Titled: I-Open Sets in Ideal Bitopological Spaces

 National Workshop on Chemistry for Life (International Year of Chemistry Celebration) 12-13 Sept 2011 Organized by Mahakaushal Vigyan Parishad and Govt. Model Science (Autonomous)  College JBP (M.P) supported by M.P Council of Science & Technology Bhopal, (M.P)

  1. Paper Titled: Application of Group Theory & Symmetry in Chemistry

National Seminar on Effect of Environmental Factors on Personality Development 9-10 Dec, 2011 Organized by St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) (Reaccredited A level by NAAC CGPA- 3.5/4),College with Potential for Excellence by UGC  Sponsored by UGC,(CRO), Bhopal, (M.P)

  1. Paper Titled: Parenthood: A Privilege

National Workshop on Application of Differential Equations to Real World Problem 26-28 Feb 2012 Organized by Indira Gandhi Home Science Girls College, Shahdol, (M.P) Sponsored by UGC,(CRO), Bhopal, (M.P)

  1. Invited Talk Titled: Differential Equations at Work

National Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation 23-25 March,2012, Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, IIIT, BHU, Varanasi under Special Assistance Program, UGC

  1. Paper Titled: qsI- Irresolute Functions in Ideal Bitopological Spaces

International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Applied Soft Computing- (MMASC 2012) 11-13 July, 2012, Organized by Department of Mathematics, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu

  1. Paper Titled: Quasi Pre Local Functions in Ideal Bitopological Spaces

 National Conference on Right to Education: Challenges & Opportunities 31Aug-1 Sept 2012 Organized by Department of Education, St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) (Reaccredited A level by NAAC: CGPA- 3.5/4),College with Potential for Excellence by UGC  Sponsored by UGC, Bhopal, (M.P) and ICSSR, New Delhi

  1. Paper Titled: Fostering Mathematical Habits of Mind through Right to Education                                        

National Workshop on Indian Mathematics Before & After Ramanajun 14-15 Sept. 2012 Organized by Mahakaushal Vigyan Parishad and Govt. Model Science (Autonomous)  College JBP (M.P) Supported by National Council for Science & Technology Communications, Delhi & M.P Council of Science & Technology Bhopal

  1. Paper Titled: Growth of Mathematics Before & After Ramanujan

 National Workshop on Application of Mathematics in Different fields of Science 12-14 Oct 12 Organized by Department of Maths, Govt. NPG college of Science, Raipur (C.G ) Sponsored by UGC,(CRO), Bhopal, (M.P) & CG Council of Science & technology, Raipur

  1. Invited Talk Titled Teaching Applications of Mathematics               

 National Seminar on Recent trends on Mathematical Science and Applications 4-5 Nov. 2012 Organized by Department of  Mathematics, Chhatrasal govt. P.G. College, Panna (M.P) Sponsored by UGC, CRO, Bhopal, (M.P)

  1. Paper Titled: Fuzzy topology & its Applications                     

 National Seminar on Empowerment of Women through Gender Budgeting in India 30thNov-1st Dec 2012 Organized by Department of  Commerce Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya (Autonomous) JBP Sponsored by UGC, (CRO) Bhopal, (M.P)

  1. Invited Talk Titled: Efforts made by Govt. of India Towards Gender Equity
  2. Paper Titled: Mathematics of Gender Budgeting; A catalyst for Gender Equality &

 Women Empowerment

 National Conference on  Recent Advances in Mathematics 12-14 Dec 2012 Organized by Department of Mathematics R.D.V.V. JBP.

  1. Paper Titled: Quasi semi local function in Ideal Bitopological Spaces 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Science and Applications 16 Dec 2012 Organized by Mind Reader Publications New Delhi
  1. Paper Titled: (i-j)-Open Sets in Ideal Bitopological Spaces

          National Symposia on History of Indian Mathematics 22-23 Dec 2012 Organized by J.H. Govt. P.G. College Betul (M.P) Sponsored by MPCOST Bhopal

  1. Invited Talk: “Constructible numbers”

 International Conference on Mathematical Sciences 28-31 Dec 2012 Organized by SSES Amt’s Science College Nagpur Sponsored by UGC,DST,CSIR,INSA

  1. Paper Titled: Vedic Mathematics An Alternative Approach Mathematics                
  2. Contra qs-I Continuous Functional in Ideal Bitopological Spaces

 National Seminar on  Punarjagran Andolan Mein Swami Vivekanada Ka Yogdaan Avam Vartaman Mein Iski  Prasangikta 11-12 Jan2013 Organized by Department of  History Govt. Girls College, Ranjhi, JBP M.P, Sponsored by UGC, (CRO) Bhopal, (M.P)

  1. Paper Titled: Swami Vivekananda – The Spiritual Freedom Fighter

 National Seminar on Swami Vivekanada Ke Shiksha Vishyak Vichar: Samagr Samajik Vikas Ke Sandarbh Mein Organized by Maharishi Patanjali Sanskrit Sansthanam Bhopal avam Bharatiya Shiksha Sodh Sanasthan Lucknow

  1. Paper Titled: Swami Vivekananda- The Architect of Free India

 Guest lecture on Mathematics for Biologists Organized by Department of Zoology & Biotechnology, St. Aloysius’ (Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P)

  1. Invited Talk: Bio Mathematics – A Special Reference to Matrices

 National Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences 22-23 Mar 2013 Organized by Jabalpur Engineering College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by DTE, Bhopal, (M.P)

  1. Paper Titled: Contra qαI- Continuous function                  

International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Sciences with Engineering Application 26-28 April 2013 Organized by Truba Institute Of Engineering & Information Technology Bhopal, (M.P)

  1. Invited Talk: Contra qpI- Continuous Functions in Ideal Bitopological Spaces

18th Annual cum 3rd International Conference of GAMS on Mathematical, Computational and Integrative Sciences 22-26 Sept 2013 Organized by Department of Mathematics & Computer Applications, MANIT, Bhopal

  1. Paper Titled: Connectedness in Ideal Bitopological Spaces

 National Workshop on Ladkiyon Ke Liye Ek Din 23-25 Oct 2013 Organized by Department of  Hindi Howbagh Women’s College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by UGC,(CRO), Bhopal, (M.P)

  1. Paper Titled: Recognize the Power in a Woman -A Paradigm shift

 National Conference on Pure & Applied Mathematics 4-5 Jan 2014 Organized by Department of  Mathematics Mata Gujri Mahila (Auto)Mahavidyalaya JBP Sponsored by UGC,  Bhopal, (M.P)

  1.  Paper TitledOn qI- Irresolute Mappings                                         

 National Conference on Right to Information as a Tool to Empower the Citizen 31Jan-1Feb 2014 Organized by P.G Department of Political Science, St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by UGC

  1. Paper Titled: Right to Information – The Way Forward

International Conference on Exploring Trends and Practices in Information Technology and Management 5-6 Jan 2015 Organized by St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by UGC,  CRO, Bhopal and MPCST, Bhopal (M.P.)

  1. Papers Titled: Use of Mathematics in Identifying Market Segments And Target Customers
  1. Some Irresolute Functions in Ideal Bitopological Spaces

         National Workshop on Numerical Mathematics 27-28 Jan 2015 Organized by Mata Gujri Mahila (Auto)Mahavidyalaya JBP Sponsored by UGC,  CRO, Bhopal, (M.P)

  1. Invited Talk: Computational Mathematics                                         

 National Conference on Rastriya Ekta Savardhan mein Sant Ravidas ke Vicharo ki Prasingikta 27-28 Feb 2015 Organized by Department of Hindi, St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by UGC, CRO, Bhopal, (M.P) & ISSR New Delhi

  1. Paper Titled: Sant Ravidas Vaani- Jivan Darshan Ke Vividh Aayam

 National Seminar on Bharat mein Kala Sanskriti- Sanskritik chetr mein agrani Mahilayein- ek Punravlokan Women Week 2015 Organized by INTAC Supported by Police IG, Women Cell, Jabalpur Commissioner Office, Jabalpur

  1. Paper TitledIndian women in the field of Mathematics

International Conference on Advances in Mathematical Sciences 19-21 Mar 2015 Organized by GSSDGS Khalsa College, Patiala, India & IMRF.

  1. Paper TitledContra qI- Continuous Functions in Ideal Bitopological Spaces                                               

National Conference on Advancement in Science & Technology for Sustainable Future 15-16 May 2015 Organized by Department of Mathematics & Mechanical Engineering, Technocrats Institute of Technology & Science in association with The Institution of Engineers Sponsored by MP council of Science & Technology

  1. Invited Talk: A Note on Vedic Mathematics
  2. Invited Talk: Matrices permeates Biology

National Conference on Recent trends in Mathematics and its Applications 12-13 Sept. 2015 Organized by Mungasaji Maharaj Mahavidyalaya Darwha, Yavatmal Dist. Maharashtra. Sponsored by UGC, WRO Pune

  1. Invited Talk: Recent trends in Mathematics and its Applications

   1st International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET 2015) 29-30 Dec 2015 Organized by Mind Reader Publications New Delhi and IJMSA

  1. Paper Titled: “Disconnectedness in Ideal Bitopological Spaces”

    National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Mathematics and its Applications 6 Feb 2016

Organized by Mata Gujri Mahila (Auto) Mahavidyalaya JBP Sponsored by MAPCOST, Bhopal

  1. Invited Talk: “Mathematical Biology”

 National Conference on Role of Academic Audit in Enhancing the Quality of Higher Education in India 21-22 Oct 2016 Organized by St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by ICSSR

  1. Paper Titled: “Academic Audit: the Need of the Hour”

 National Seminar on New Dimensions in Corporate Social Responsibility 20-21 Jan 2017 Organized by St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by UGC, CRO Bhopal

  1. Paper Titled: “CSR Initiatives for Inclusive Development: A Case Study of Jhabua Power Ltd., M.P.”

 5th International Conference on Advances in Science, Society, Culture, Humanities and Technology 2017 (IC- ASSCHT-2017) 11-13 March 2017 Organised by D.N. Jain College, JBP (M.P) in collaboration with South Asia Management Association Sponsored by MAPCOST, Bhopal

  1. Paper Titled: “qI- Connectedness in Ideal Bitopological Spaces”
  2. “ Operations Research- A Tool for Entreprenuership”
  3. Proactive Measures to Combat Violence against Women- a Step towards a  just Society”

National Seminar on Spiritual Intelligence and Mental Health: A New Paradigm in Teacher Education 24-25 March 2017 Organized by St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by UGC, CRO Bhopal

  1. Paper Titled: Work-Life Balance: The Wisdom Path

 International Science Congress Thailand 2017- ISCTH 2017 02-03 Oct. 2017 Organized by Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand and International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation, Thailand Chapter

  1. Invited Talk: Use of Mathematics to stimulate the Biological World
  2. Paper Titled: qpI- Connectedness in Ideal Bitopological Spaces

 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology held on 29-30 Sept. 2018 Organized by Mahratta Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture, Pune, India. (She is the recipient of the Best/Most Outstanding Paper Award)

  1. Paper Titled: qI-Connectedness in Ideal Bitopological Spaces

 International Conference on ‘Advances in Mathematics, Computers and Physical Sciences Dubai 2019’ 18-19 Jan. 2019 Organized by, IMRF Institute of Education and Research Dubai Chapter and Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, Punjab, India.  (She is the recipient of the Best/Most Outstanding Paper Award)

  1. Invited/Keynote Talk: Trigger The Mathematics Within
  2. Paper Titled:I-Connectedness in Ideal Bitopological Spaces

 National Seminar on ‘Envisioning a Healthy India: Healthy, Hygiene, Mother and Child’ 21-23 Feb. 2019 Organized by St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by UGC

  1. Paper Titled: Cleanliness: A Lifetime Mission

 National Seminar on ‘Parallel Computing and Optimization Techniques’ 23-24 Feb 2019 Organized by Govt. Home Science College, Jabalpur

  1. Paper Titled: Assessment of Complete Sanitation under Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan (Gramin)- A Mathematical Case Study

 International Conference on ‘Mathematical Engineering Applications for Sustainable Development-2019’  16-18 August 2019 Organized jointly by IIM  Australia and IMRF Malaysia Chapter at University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  1. Virtual Presentation: Paper Titled: Quasi α- Local Functions in Ideal Bitopological Space

 National Seminar on Accreditation, Ranking and Quality: A Paradigm Shift for Strategic Enhancement in Higher Education 8-9 Nov 2019 Organized by IQAC, St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by NAAC

  1. Paper Titled: A Roadmap to NAAC Assessment and Accreditation: A Special Emphasis on Criterion V

 National Seminar on Central Role of Mathematics in Physical Sciences 16-17 Nov 2019 Organized by Dept. of Mathematics & Computer Science, Govt. Science (Model & Autonomous) College, JBP M.P

  1. Invited Talk: I- Continuous Functions in Ideal Bitopological Spaces

 MPPG Science E-Content – Organized by Govt. of M.P. Dept. of Higher Education (MOOC – 1 module) MPPG Higher Education Portal ( 19 Nov.2020

  1. Online Video Lecture: Phases of Operations Research

 International Conference on Engineering, Mathematical and Computational Intelligence (ICEMCI19) 21-23 Dec 2019 Organized by Jabalpur Engineering College, JBP with Walchand College of Engineering and FATER Academy of India, Sponsored by TEQIP III

  1. Paper Titled: Quasi Semi Pre-Local functions in Ideal Bitopological Spaces

National Webinar on Applications of Mathematics 22 June 2021 Organized by Govt. Auto. P.G. College Chhindwara (M.P.) Sponsored by M.P. HEQIP and World Bank Project

  1. Paper Titled: Bio-Mathematics

 International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics, Computers & Information Sciences 2021 9-10 July 2021 Organized by REd Talks, International Research Division, India

  1. Invited/Plenary Talk: Matrix Models in Biological Applications

MPPG Science E-Content – Organized by Govt. of M.P. Dept. of Higher Education (MOOC- 2 modules)

MPPG Higher Education Portal Nov 2021

  1. Online Video Lecture: Propositions and Truth table, Negation, Conjunction & Disjunction
  2. Implication & Bi-implication

    Celebration of National Mathematics Day Organized by Dept. of Mathematics & Computers, Govt. M. H. College of Home Science & Science for Women 22 Dec. 2021

  1. Paper Titled:  Applications of Mathematics

 MPPG Science E-Content – Organized by Govt. of M.P. Dept. of Higher Education (MOOC- 1 module)

MPPG Higher Education Portal ( Nov. 2022

  1. Online Video Lectures: A Brief Biography of Brahmagupta
  2. A brief historical background of the Algebra in context to India and Indian heritage and culture

 National Webinar on History and Recent Trends in Mathematics 22 Dec. 2022 Organized by Department of Mathematics, Patna Women’s (Autonomous) College Patna and St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P)

  1. Invited Talk:  Mathematical Legacy of India

 National Seminar on National Education Policy 2020: A Powerful Tool to Re-Establish Bharat as Viswa Guru 27-28 Jan. 2023 Organized by St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by ICSSR

  1. Paper TitledMathematical Legacy to the World from India in context to NEP 2020

 International Conference on Role of Science Education and Technology in Making India Self Reliant and Globally Competent (ICR-SET 2023) 3-4 March 2023 Organized by St. Aloysius Institute of Technology, JBP (M.P)

  1. Papers Titled:  Mathematical Heritage and India’s Contributions
  2.  Optimization Models with Real-World Perspective
  3. Quasi Semi Pre-Functions in Ideal Bitopological Spaces, National Webinar on Recent Advances in Mathematics 21 Dec. 2023 Organized by Department of Mathematics, Patna Women’s (Autonomous) College Patna and St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P)
  4. Invited Talk: Interesting Mathematical Models in Real World Perspective

       National Seminar on Education for Sustainability: Navigating the Changing Landscape of Higher Education  1-2 March 2024 Organized by Department of Education St.

Aloysius (Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P)

90. Papers Titled:  Quality Education-Sustainable Goal 4: The Need of the Hour

91. Use of Dynamic Visualization in Fostering Spatial Ability of UG students to  Support Sustainability Goals


  • Awards to students under guidance of Dr. Mandira Kar:
  1. Ms. Kiran Kumari (M.Sc. IV Semester- Mathematics) is the recipient of the Youngest Scientist with Zeal Award for presenting jointly a research paper ‘Operations Research – A Tool for Entrepreneurship’ under the guidance of Dr. Mandira Kar. The award was presented to her at the 5th International Conference on Advances in Science, Society, Culture, Humanities and Technology 2017 on March 13th 2017.
  2. Ms. Sanjiwani Pandey and Ms. Shubhasini Mishra (M.Sc. IV Semester- Mathematics) is the recipient of the Best Paper in Mathematics Award for presenting jointly a research paper ‘Assessment of Complete Sanitation under Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan (Gramin) – A Mathematical Case Study’ under the guidance of Dr. Mandira Kar. The award was presented to them at the National Seminar on Parallel Computing and Optimization Techniques 23-24 Feb 2019

PhD– Successfully Complete (PhD Notification- 16th March 2016)

Also Pre- PhD Course Work– Successfully Complete


Completed Minor Research Project titled Ideal Bitopological Space, UGC, CRO, Bhopal worth Rs. 1,80,000 (2012-14)

 REVIEWER & ASSISTANT EDITOR of (ISSN 2278-0769Global Research Journal on Mathematics and Science Education Published by The Center for Mathematics Education and Research, India since 2012

REVIEWER of International Journal of Mathematical Research- IJMR, and Asian Research Journal of Mathematics

Reviewed Research Papers

  1. Reviewed Research Article titled’ The Importance of Computers with MATLAB Software in the Teaching & Learning of Geometry in Space’
  2. Reviewed Research Article titled’ Bayesian Regression Method with Gaussian And Binomial Links For The Analysis Of Nigerian Children Nutritional Status (Stunting)’
  3. Reviewed Research Article titled’ gr-connectedness in topological spaces


  1. Invited Faculty for UGC Scheme for Coaching for NET Exam in MH Women Autonomous College of Home Science & Science, Jabalpur
  2. Life Member- Indian Mathematical Society
  3. Life Member- All India Researchers Association
  4. Life Member- Mahakoushal Vigyan Parishad
  5. Life Member- International Education Research Centre
  6. Member-IQAC, Aloysius College, Jabalpur.
  7. Member- Board of Studies (Mathematics)- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic Vishwavidyalaya)
  8. Member- Board of Studies, Mathematics Department, SAC
  9. Member- Board of Studies, Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, MH College of Home Science and Science (Autonomous), Jabalpur.
  10. Assistant Superintendant- Exams, St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur.
  11. Coordinator, Women’s Cell, Aloysius College, Jabalpur.
  12. Nodal Officer- Electoral Literacy Club, Aloysius College, Jabalpur


  • Awards to students under guidance of Dr. Mandira Kar:
  1. Ms. Kiran Kumari (M.Sc. IV Semester- Mathematics) is the recipient of the Youngest Scientist with Zeal Award for presenting jointly a research paper ‘Operations Research – A Tool for Entrepreneurship’ under the guidance of Dr. Mandira Kar. The award was presented to her at the 5th International Conference on Advances in Science, Society, Culture, Humanities and Technology 2017 on March 13th 2017.
  2. Ms. Sanjiwani Pandey and Ms. Shubhasini Mishra (M.Sc. IV Semester- Mathematics) is the recipient of the Best Paper in Mathematics Award for presenting jointly a research paper ‘Assessment of Complete Sanitation under Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan (Gramin) – A Mathematical Case Study’ under the guidance of Dr. Mandira Kar. The award was presented to them at the National Seminar on Parallel Computing and Optimization Techniques 23-24 Feb 2019

 Awards to Dr. Mandira Kar:

  1. She is the recipient of the International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation Achievers Award.

‘In recognition of the consistent superior performance in Mathematics and upon the recommendations of the committee on IMRF Academic Awards’. The award was presented by IMRF Thailand Chapter on the eve of IMRF’s 58th International Gathering- ISCTH 2017 at Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand on Oct. 02nd 2017.

2. She received a Memento and a shawl as a token of gratitude from St. Aloysius College Alumni Association, Jabalpur on Teacher’s Day 2018.

3. She is the recipient of the Best Paper Award. The award was presented by Mahratta Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture Pune in the 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology on Sept. 29th 2018. (Paper: qI-Connectedness in Ideal Bitopological Spaces)

4. She is the recipient of the Distinguished Women Scientist Award in Mathematics. The award was presented by International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation Dubai Academic Chapter and Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, Punjab, India at the International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, Dubai on Jan.18th-19th 2019

5. She is the recipient of the Best Paper Award. The award was presented by IMRF Institute of Education and Research Dubai Chapter and Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, Punjab, India at the International Conference on Advances in Mathematics, Computers and Physical Sciences Dubai 2019 on Jan.18th-19th 2019, (Paper: qαI-Connectedness in Ideal Bitopological Spaces)

6. She received a Memento and a shawl as a token of gratitude from IMRF Institute of Education and Research Dubai Chapter and Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, Punjab, India for delivering a Keynote Talk at the International Conference on Advances in Mathematics, Computers and Physical Sciences Dubai 2019 on Jan.18th-19th 2019

7. She is the recipient of the Innovative Researcher& Dedicated Excellent Educationalist Award- Mathematics. Received online from The Society of Innovative Educationalist &Scientific Research Professional, Chennai in The Innovative Global Scientific Researchers Educationalist-Professionals & Journalist Awards & Fellowship Honors Convocation 2020-21

‘To your outstanding extra ordinary skills & performance, merits, highest qualification. Innovative knowledge, development in scientific research & thesis, dissertation, projects, advancement in educational-professional initiatives, excellent exposure, practice, activities, paper publication, active participation for seminar & workshop, top credential & experience, educational-professional membership, contribution, continued dedicated services, high profile, scientific research journal editorial board member, sustained accomplishment, achievement, etc.

8. She is also the recipient of the Johannes Kepler International Distinguished Professor & Researcher Award 2023 in Mathematics conferred by IMRF Institute of Higher Education & Research, Vijayawada, India on UN Public Service Day 23rd June 2023

9. She is the recipient of the Best Paper Award. The award was presented by St. Aloysius (Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P.) at the National Seminar on Education for Sustainability: Navigating the Changing Landscape of Higher Education March 1st-2nd (Paper: Use of Dynamic Visualization in Fostering Spatial Ability of UG students to Support Sustainability Goals)

Organizing Conferences/Workshops:

  1. She was Convenor – National Training Programme on ‘The Art of Mathematical Modeling as Teaching Pedagogy’ on 09 – 10 Feb. 2018. The training programme was sponsored by United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia.
  2. She was the Chief Organizing Secretary – National Seminar on ‘Envisioning a Healthy India: Health, Hygiene, Mother and Child’ 21-23 Feb. 2019 Organized by St. Aloysius’(Autonomous) College, JBP (M.P) Sponsored by UGC
  3. She was Coordinator – National Online Certificate Course on ‘Research Documentation through Latex’ on 17-25 August 2020)
  4. She was Convenor – One Week Training Programme on ‘Vedic Mathematics’ 13-19 July 2021
  5. She was Coordinator- Online International Conference- ‘Advances in Physical Mathematical & Computational Sciences’ SAC, JBP, M.P. 12-13 June 2020
  6. She was Coordinator 2nd Online International Conference on ‘Advances in Physical Mathematical Computational Sciences’ 23-24 July 2021
  7. She was the Chief Organizing Secretary3rd Online International Conference on ‘Advances in Physical Mathematical & Computational Sciences’ 24-25 June 2022
  8. She was Convenor – National Webinar on ‘History and Recent Trends in Mathematics’ 22 Dec. 2022
  9. She Convened – National Webinar on ‘Recent Advances in Mathematics’ 21 Dec. 2023
  10. She was the Convenor of  One Week Mathematical Induction Programme ‘Ganit Parv‘ Dec. 16-21 & Jan. 4 2023 Sponsored by MPCST, Bhopal & NCSTC, DST, GOI New Delhi


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