Name: Dr. Renu Markandey

Renu Markande (as per school Certificate)
Assistant Professor
Area: Industrial Economics, Money and Banking, Macro Economics, Quantitative Technique, International Economics, Industrial Economics
Qualification: M.A. , M.Ed. , NET, Ph.D in Economics
Contant: +91 0761 2620738 , 7470965809
Email: ,

  • Fifteen Years teaching experience at Department of Economics, Aloysius College (Autonomous), Jabalpur.

Chapters in Edited Books: 11

  • Women Empowerment, Entrepreneur and Small Scale Industries In India“ Edited by “Rohit Balyani & Ratna Verma Women’s Economic Empowerment in IndiaAdhyayan Publisher & Distributors, ISBN 978-81-8435-432-4, Year 2011
  • “Child Labour and its impact on Economic” Edited by- Dr. Narendra Shukla and Mrs. Sushma Pandey, Avishkar Publishers, Edited Book ,Child Labour Dimension and Determinants’ ISBN 978-81-7910-420-0,Year 2012.
  • “ Human Rights For Women Employees An Overview” Human Rights and Human Welfare ISBN 978-81-7132-747-8,Year  2013
  • “Impact of Globalization on Social And Cultural Change In India “Social Change and Development in India” Edited Book ISBN 978-81-87364-55-9 Jan- June 2013
  • Regional Disparities in India” Edited by Dr. Narendra shukla and Dr. B.B.Beohre Edited book,Reginal Disparities and Economic Development in India ISBN NO 978-93-85304-07-4 page no 72-80, Year 2014
  • Published research article “Collaborative Teaching Strategies for knowledge building & Collective wisdom in Higher Education” in the “Collaborative Teaching Strategies” ISBN-.978-81-935231-7-9, Pg. No. 141-147, 2018
  • “Impact of Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana On Small Scale Industries In India” monthly Journal Published Department Of Economics by RDVV Jabalpur
  • Published research article Impact of Digitalization on Indian Society: In Present Senario” in Koutilya Varta Ank 23 Published by Department of Economics and Reseach R.D.V.V. Jabalpur M.P page21-23
  • Published research article “Role of Yoga on the students in India-An Overview”  in  the  “Health  and  Hygiene  during  Covid-19  Pandesmic” ISBN-.978-93-87899-07-0, Pg. No.147-151, 2021
  • “Role of E-Resource for Students in Present Covid-19 Situation:: An Overview” in the “Role of E-Resources and Mind Mastering Strategies in Education ” ISBN-.978-93-91267-24-7, Pg. No.100-104, 2021
  • “Impact    of  Global  COVID-19  Pandemic  on  Migration  of  Labour  in Madhyapradesh: An Overview” in the “Migrant Labour Issues And Challenges” ISBN-.978-93-91267-33-9, Pg. No.96-101, 2022
  • Published research article “Role of National Education Policy in Fostering Skil Development And Vocational Training” in the “National Education Policy 2020”Pubicationby SRF Reseach Journal & Book Publication House, 20 Seva Patth Sanjeeni Nagar Graha Jabalpur p ISBN-.978-93-92079-2, Pg. No 116-120,2023

Journals:- 07

  • Women Employment in India in Present Senior” Global  Journal of  Finance and Economics Management ISSN 2249 Volume 7, 1 (pp 1-7.,2018
  • Research paper Published “Employment Status of Women in India; In Present Scenario” in International Journal of Research Link, ISSN: 0973-1628, June 2018.
  • Research Paper Accepted  and Published “ Role of Skill India to enhance the employability   in   Small   Scale   Industries   in   India”   An   Overview   In International Journal of  physical and Social Science ISSN (2249-5894) UGC Approved,2019
  • Research Paper Accepted  and Published Roll of Skill Development on Urban Women Entrepreneurs In India   in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), UGC Approved Journals: :43602 Volume 7, Issue 1,(E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138) March 2020,  page no. 561-568
  • Published “ Role of Digital India In Indian Society” in Koutilya Varta,2020
  • Research Paper Accepted and Published “Rural Development in India; An overview of Mahatma Gandhi” Journal of Madhya Pradesh Economics Association ISSN (2277-1123) ,vol XXX March 2020 UGC Approved. Page no.179-1846
  • Research paper Published in International Journal Of Research and Analytical Review (IJRAR) “Ghanaian Perspective of Agriculture Growth and Rural Development in India: Issues and Challenges” E ISSN 2348-1269,P ISSN 2349-5138 Impact factor 7.17 June, 2022-23
  • Research paper Published in entitled “Role of Industrialization in livelihood of surrounding Rural Area ” An Overview, Pune Research World, an International Journal in Interdisciplinary Studies (ISSN 2455-359X) Volume 9, Issue 1 ,Feb to March 2023 Journal Impact Factor 4.15 (CIJIF).
  • Research paper Published in entitled “Role of Aatmnirbhar Bharat for Enhancement of Small Scale Industries” An Overview,Juni Khyat Index peer reviewed and listed in UGC Care list (ISSN 2478-4632X) Volume 13, Issue 5 May ,2023 Journal Impact Factor 625

Faculty Development Programme

  • Attended five Days faculty development program on “Teaching Learning and Evaluation for Alliance with Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy” organized by department of education, Aloysius College (Auto) Jabalpur M.P on 14th -18th December,2020.
  • Attended five Days faculty development program on “Professional Ethics and being a leader of Excellence” organized by IQAC Aloysius College (Auto) Jabalpur M.P on 22nd and 26th February 2021.
  • Attended Six Days (36 contact hours) Faculty development program on “Best Practices In Development Of E-Content” organized by Government Of Madhya Pradesh Department of Higher Education on 2nd August to 7th August,
  • Attended Faculty Traning Programme titled “ICT in Teaching” organized by St. Aloysius College (Auto.), Jabalpur, on 25th October, 2018.
  • Attended Six Days (36 contact hours) Faculty development program on “Best Practices in Development of E-Content” organized by Government Of Madhya Pradesh Department of Higher Education on 2nd August to 7th August, 2021.
  • International Faculty Enrichment Programme On “Towards Enhanced Digitization : Mentoring the Mentors” December 3rd -4th , 2021
  • Attended 71st Orientation Programme organized by Academic Staff College, R.D.V.V, Jabalpur on3.11.2008 to 29.11.2008
  • Attended online Refresher course on “Economics Policy” organised by UGC Human Recourse Development centre RDVV Jabalpur M.P

List of National seminar: 20

  •  National seminar on  “Foreign Direct Investment in India: Prospects & Challeges “ Paper presented on  Impact of FDI ON Indian Economy  Organized by Dept. of Managment, St. Aloysius College Jabalpur m.p on 28th -4th  and 5th October 2013
  • National Conference on Foreign Direct Investment: Indian Market Invasion and Economic Reform Paper Presented on “ F.D.I and Public Sector Bank in India An Over view 28th &29th March 2014
  •  National Seminar on “Impact of FDI on Multi Brand Retail Sector of India” Organized by The Bhopal School of Social Sciences, on 10th  -11th November 2014.
  • National seminar on  Rusa: A Strategic Intervention for Enhancement of Higher Education in India  “ Rusa a Strategic Invention   Organized by Dept. of Economics St. Aloysius College, in , Jabalpur(M.P) on 19th -20th  March 2014
  • National Conference  on Financial inclusion in India paper presented on “ Critical Analysis of Banking Sector Reforms in India an Organized by Dept. of Commerce, St. Aloysius College, in Jabalpur on 10th -11th  October 2015
  • National Conference  on Financial inclusion in India paper presented on “ Critical Analysis of Banking Sector Reforms in India an Organized by Dept. of Commerce, St. Aloysius College, in Jabalpur on 16th -17th  June 2015
  • National seminar on  Make in India a key for Economic Growth in India “ Paper presented on  Financial Sector Reforms in India its Insitutional and Legal aspect for consumer Organized by Dept. of Commerce, St. Aloysius College, in Jabalpur on 18th -19th  March 2016
  • National Conferences on  Role of Academic Audit in Enhancement the Quality of Higher Education In India  “ Paper presented on  Role of Acadmic Audit in Development of College With Special Reference of Students” Organized by Dept. of Economics and Computer Sciences, St. Aloysius College, in Jabalpur on 18th -19th  March 2016
  • National Conferences on  Micro Finance policy of Banks for small scale industries in India ;an Overview , Annual Conference of Madhya Pradesh Economic Association XXVIth Department of Business Management ‘Mahatma Gandhi Chiltrakoot Gamodaya, Vishwvidhyalay chitracoot Satna on 8th and 9th March 2016
  • National Conferences on  E-Marketing in  agricultural Sector in India; an Over view,  International conference on Women Empowerment in Digital India, Vishleshan Education and Social Welfare society Bhopal , 24th September,2016
  • National Seminar on “Academic Audit: A Process of Enhancing Teachers’ Performance” in ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on “Role of Academic Audit in Enhancing the Quality of Higher Education and Teacher Training in India ” organized by Department of Economics and Computer Science, St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Jabalpur,  on 21st & 22nd October, 2016.
  • National Seminar on “New Dimension in Corporate Social Responsibility Topic on ‘Impact of CSR on small and Medium Enterprises sustainable Development in India, Department of Commerce  St. Aloysius College Jabalpur M.P sponsor by U.GC  5th & 6th  January 2017
  • National Seminar on “Sexual Harassment of Women at Working Place”, held at AIACHE, Ecumenical Centre. New Delhi on 25th &26th August, 2017
  • National Seminar on  Envision A healthy India : Health, Hygiene Mother and Chid”  Paper presented  topic on “Role of Yoga on the students in India: – An Over View , St. Aloysius College Jabalpur M.P sponsor by U.GC 21st  & 24th   February 2019
  • National Conference Digitalization of Indian Economy &Issues of Social Sector in Madhya Pradesh Topic on “ Impact of Mudra Yojana Women      Entrepreneur    in Madhya Pradesh” 11-12 February 2019
  • Presented paper and Attended titled “Lifestyle Diseases in the Context of Present Scenario” in the National Seminar titled   “Envisioning A Healthy India: Health, Hygiene Mother and Child”, organized by St. Aloysius College (Auto.), Jabalpur on 21st – 23rd February, 2019.
  • Paper presented in National Seminar on title on” Role of skill development for reduce the unemployment problem in India: An overview” in the national seminar  Roll  of  skill   development  in  transforming   Indian  workforce” Organised   by   the   Department   of   commerce   St.   Aloysius   College (Autonomous)  Jabalpur M.P held on organised by 13th -14th December 2019

Seminar Attended

  • National Seminar on “Sexual Harassment of Women at Working Place”, held at AIACHE,       Ecumenical Centre. New Delhi on 25th &26th August, 2017
  • Attended National Seminar title” Accreditation, Ranking and : A Paradigm Shift For Strategic Enhancement of Higher Education in India” organised by internal Quality Assurance cell, St. Aloysius college(Auto), Jabalpur M.P on 8th -9th November,2019
  • Paper Presented in National Conference  paper title “ Value Added Learning courses lead to skill development as a tool for quality enhancement in higher education” in national conference on innovations, Distinctiveness & Best Practices in Curricular Aspects Organised by  Career College, Bhopal internal quality Assurance Cell(IQAC) under Pramarsh  sposored by UGC held on 7th and 8th February, 2020
  • Attended National E-Seminar on “Indian‟s Independence and Contribution of Freedom Fighters” organized by Department of History st. Aloysius College(Atonomous) Jabalpur M.P ,held on  14th August,2021
  • Attended  National  Webinar  on  “Green  Budget  &  its  impact  on  GDP” organized by Ganesh Institute of Management Studies held on Feb 12, 2022.
  • Attended  National  Webinar  on     topic  “Covid-19  Disease:  Method  of Detection, Prevention, Control and its impact on the Society” . Organized by IQAC S.S.L.N Govt.Penchvalley P.G. College Parasia Dist-Chhindwara MP(INDIA), Held on 31.08.2021
  • National Webinar on “Green Budget & its impact on GDP” held on Feb 12, 2022. Awarded this Feb 24, 2022.
  • National webinar on “Re-imagining TVET and Transforming Youth Skills in India” organized by Department of Educational Studies, School of Education, Mahatma  Gandhi  Central  University,  Bihar  held  on  15th  July  2022,  on account of the celebration of WorldYouth Skills Day 2022

National Workshop 09

  • Training Program on SPSS Software fom, organized by St. Aloysius’ College (Autonomous), Jabalpur. Sponsored under CPE Scheme UGC, New Delhi29th to 31st October2009
  • National Workshop on Flexible solutions for Analytical Needs Organized by Department of Computer Sciences& and Application St Aloysius’ College (Autonomus) Jabalpur M.P ON 6th  7th  8 Oct 2010
  • Attended a training Programme on “SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) organized by Department of Economics, St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur. (2012)
  • National Workshop on Flexible Solution for Analytical Needs” organized by Department of Computer Science and Application St. Aloysius college (Autonomous) Jabalpur  M.P,2012
  • Ministry of corporate affairs Jabalpur Chapter of cost accounts “ A program attended on “ Investor Awareness Program. 3rd of March 2012
  • National Workshop on Reassessment on Present Curriculum of Teacher education Organised by Department of education t. Aloysius college (Autonomous) Jabalpur  15th 16th November 2013
  • National Workshop on” Quantitative Techniques for Economics, Commerce, Management And Business Studies  Organized by O.F.K College Jabalpur M.P On 24th &30th March 2014
  • All India association for chitin Higher Education workshop on “Human Development Program” held on St. Aloysius college (Autonomous) Jabalpur  M.P 16TH &17 th June 2015
  • Training Program Attended on “ Project Based Learning and Need of Academic Audit in Enhancing the Quality of Higher Education on 27th -28th  January ,2017
  • Strategies for knowledge building & Collective wisdom in Higher Education” in the National Workshop “Collaborative Teaching Strategies for knowledge building & Collective wisdom in Higher Education” organized by Department of Education, St. Aloysius College (Auto.), Jabalpur on 27st – 28th  October, 2017
  •  Presented paper titled “Role of ICT on Educational Research ” in the National Seminar     “Samaj Vighyan me anusandhan padhyatiya” organized by Department of Economics, Govt.Mahakaushal Arts & Commerce College,  Jabalpur, on 7th & 8th  September, 2017
  •  Attended National Workshop titled “e-Learning, Moocs and Basic ICT Tools for Educators”  organized by St. Aloysius College (Auto.), Jabalpur, on 17th & 18th March, 2018.
  • Attended 71st Orientation Programme organized by Academic Staff College, R.D.V.V, Jabalpur on3.11.2008 to 29.11.2008
  • Academic Counsellors In  Indira Gadhi University Jabalpur M.P

National Webinar

  • National webinar on “Re-imagining TVET and Transforming Youth Skills in India” organized by Department of Educational Studies, School of Education, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Bihar held on 15th July 2022, on account of the celebration of WorldYouth Skills Day 2022
  • Attended in National webinar on the topic “New Dimensions of Indian Economy” organised by S.S.L.N Govt. Penchvalley P.G. College Parasia, Chhindwara M.P.(INDIA) sponsored by Department of Higher Education MP Government held on 13th February, 2023

Other Information

  • Attended 71st Orientation Programme organized by Academic Staff College, D.V.V, Jabalpur on3.11.2008 to 29.11.2008
  • Academic Counsellors In Indira Gadhi University Jabalpur P
  • Online refresher course on economic policies (for commerce, economics and management) from 23.08.2021 to 04.09.2021 UGC-HRDC, Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh,
  • BOS member in Govt Mahakoushal College(Autonomous) Jabalpur MP And Mahrishi college katni

Minor Project on :

  • Completed, One UGC funded Minor Research Project on “Impact Of Banking Sector Reforms on small scale Industries in India: Since 1991” sanctioned amount – Rs.1,15,000/-


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