Learning by Doing
To become a Department of Academic Excellence with Analytic approach
To produce Rational human beings with Scientific temper of mind
Holistic development, Technological skills, Mathematical Creativity and Proficiency
The Department strives to achieve these objectives by
Mentoring, Teaching, Learning, Reasoning, Training and Research
- B.Sc. Mathematics
- M.Sc. Mathematics
- Research in Mathematics
Add-on Course:
- Research Documentation Through LaTex (FEE- 500/-)
- Basics of MATLAB (FEE 500/-)
- Vedic Mathematics (FEE 500/-)
- Basics of mathematics for Computation (FEE 500/-)
- Computation by Mathematica Software (FEE 500/-)
- Department of Mathematics of St. Aloysius College (Autonomous) Jabalpur and PatnaWomen’s College (Autonomous) Patna organized a National Webinaron 21stDec’ 2023on ‘Recent Advancesin Mathematics’. The day started with the inaugural session followed by aguestlecture by Prof. D.S. Negi, Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University followedwith presentations by students of St. AloysiusCollege (Autonomous). Post lunch sessionbegan with a guest lecture by Dr. Mandira Kar Head, Department of Mathematics St.Aloysius College (Autonomous) Jabalpur on ‘Interesting Mathematical Models in Real World Perspective’followed with student presentations by Patna Women’s College Patna.Twenty-three students presented their work and were judged by the faculty of both institutions. The event ended with the Valedictory function wherein thewinners of the ‘StudentPresentation’ competition were declared.145 participants faculty, teachers & professional benefitted from this National webinar
- The students & faculty of the Department of Mathematics St. Aloysius College (Autonomous) Jabalpur celebrated the National Mathematics Day with great zeal &enthusiasm. The winners of the Power Point competition held earlier on ‘Legacy of Indian Mathematics and Latest Trends in Mathematics’ were declared. A National Webinar ‘History & Recent Trends of Mathematics’ was also organized in collaboration with Patna Women’s College, Patna to mark the auspicious day on 22nd December 2022
- The Department of Mathematics, St. Aloysius College, (Auto.), Jabalpur, organized an online certificate course on Research Documentation Through LaTex from 18-25 Aug 2020 , under the motivation of Principal Dr. Fr. G. Vazhan Arasu. Dr. Mandira Kar, Head Dept. Of Mathematics was the course co-ordinator. The resource persons were Dr. Akhilesh Pathak , Dr. Pratibha Richhariya and Mr. Satyendra Jain, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, St. Aloysius College, (Auto.), Jabalpur. The participants were Assistant Professors and UG and PG students. They immensely benefitted from the course. The Resource Persons elucidated on research paper and thesis documentation through LaTex. The report was given by Dr. Mandira Kar and the vote of thanks was delivered by Mrs. Archana Pasari.
- National Webinar- Research Documentation through LaTeX Department of Mathematics of St. Aloysius College (Autonomous) Jabalpur organized a National Webinar (26th May’ 2020) on ‘Research Documentation through LaTeX’. The inaugural address was delivered by Convenor Dr. Mandira Kar Head, Department of Mathematics St. Aloysius College (Autonomous) Jabalpur. Resource persons were Dr. Akhilesh Pathak, Dr. Pratibha Ricchariya and Mr. Satendra Jain. Nineteen faculty members and research scholars all over India benefitted from this webinar. The event ended with the valedictory function and vote of thanks by Mrs. Archana Pasari.
- A two day National Training Programme on ‘The Art of Mathematical Modeling as Teaching Pedagogy’ sponsored by United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia was organized by Department of Mathematics, St. Aloysius College (Autonomous) on 9th – 10th February 2018. The Resource persons were from IITR, Roorkee, IIT (BHU), Varanasi, MANIT, Bhopal, SVNIT, Surat, IIITDM, PDPM, Jabalpur and School of Study in Mathematics, Vikram University Ujjain. The National Training Programme was appreciated by one and all.
- Report – The Art of Mathematical Modeling as Teaching Pedagogy 9th – 10th February 2018
- There were about 120 participants from various institutions around the country. They were introduced to the art of mathematical modeling as teaching pedagogy. They were given the requisite skill to analyze a problem and develop mathematical problems thereof. They also acquired the skill to train their students to think independently and intuitively on how to develop a mathematical model through various classroom activities and projects.
Departmental Activity 2023-2024
Departmental Activity 2022-2023
Departmental Activity 2021-2022
Departmental Activity 2020-2021
Departmental Activity 2019-2020
Departmental Activity
Guest Lecture
Department of Mathematics organized a guest lecture on 15th March 2023 . Resource Person Dr. K. Das, Vice principal, St. Aloysius College Jabalpur, shared her insights on the topic Application of Mathematical Modelling on differential equation , difference equation and Real problem. The students of Mathematics benefited from the lecture.
National Webinar
Department of Mathematics of St. Aloysius College (Autonomous) Jabalpur and Patna Women’s College (Autonomous) Patna organized a National Webinar (22nd Dec’ 2022) on ‘History and Recent Trends in Mathematics’. The day started with the inaugural session followed by a guest lecture by Dr. Mandira Kar Head, Department of Mathematics St. Aloysius College (Autonomous) Jabalpur on ‘Indian Mathematicians in the Vedic Age’ followed by presentations by students of Patna Women’s College Patna. Post lunch session began with a guest lecture by Ms. Alka Kumari Head Department of Mathematics Patna Women’s College, Patna on Real Analysis followed by student presentations by St. Aloysius College (Autonomous). Twenty-five students presented their work and were judged by the faculty of both institutions. The event ended with the Valedictory function wherein the ‘Aloysian Mathematical Society 2021-2022’ was released. The winners of the ‘Student Presentation’ competition were declared. 125 participants faculty, teachers & professional benefitted from this National webinar
National Mathematics Day Celebration
The students & faculty of the Department of Mathematics St. Aloysius College (Autonomous) Jabalpur celebrated the National Mathematics Day with great zeal & enthusiasm. The winners of the Power Point competition held earlier on ‘Legacy of Indian Mathematics and Latest Trends in Mathematics’ were declared. A National Webinar ‘History & Recent Trends of Mathematics’ was also organized in collaboration with Patna Women’s College, Patna to mark the auspicious day.
PG Student Workshop
A workshop was held for post graduate students where they presented research articles & reviews was on 19th Nov. ‘2022. 20 students participated. Their work was done under the guidance of Dr. Mandira Kar, Dr. Akhilesh Pathak & Mr. Satyendra Jain. Several under graduate & post graduate students attended & benefitted from this workshop.
Certificate Course- Vedic Mathematics
Interdisciplinary Certificate Course titled ‘Vedic Mathematics’ was held from 28th Sept. to 18 Nov. ‘2022. The introductory class was taken by Dr. Mandira Kar the coordinator. Dr. Archana Pasari & Dr. Akhilesh Pathak were the resource persons. Twenty-one students from different disciplines benefitted.
- A Guest lecture was organized for the Post Graduate students by the Department of Mathematics on 22nd March 2022. The Resource Person was Dr. Rishabh Tiwari Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, RDVV Jabalpur.
He spoke on ‘Generalized Barycentric Coordinates’ and gave inputs on various aspects ranging from coordinate system to Barycentric coordinate system in n-dimension & its applications. Thirty four students benefitted from the same.
- Teaching in School 2022
- National Mathematics Day Report 21-22
- Report of National Mathematics Day
- Seminar for Post Graduate Students
- Guest Lectures for Under Graduate Students
- 15 Days Bridge Classes especially for B.Sc. First Year
- Mathematical Fest
- Corporate Social Responsibility through:
- Teaching School children by Students and Teachers
- Popularizing Mathematics by organizing Mathematical activities in school.
- Distribution of Study Materials in Schools
- National Mathematics Day Celebration
- Training Programme on Vedic Mathematics report
- Online certificate course on Research Documentation Through LaTex
- Pythagorean-Fest 2016-17
- Pythagorean-Fest 2015-16
- Pythagorean-Fest 2014-15
- Pythagorean-Fest 2013-14
• Refresher Course/ Seminar/Workshop/DSA Attended: 122
• Papers Presented in Seminars/Workshops:
• International: 34
• National: 104
• Papers Published:
• International: 75
• National: 23
• Books Authored: 03
• Chapters Authored in Books: 05
• Research Projects Completed: 02
AWARDS | 9 |
FDP | 55 |
1. Dr. Mandira Kar
- International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation Achievers Award:
‘In recognition of the consistent superior performance in Mathematics and upon the recommendations of the committee on IMRF Academic Awards’ Presented by IMRF Thailand Chapter at IMRF’s 58th International Gathering- ISCTH 2017 at Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand on Oct. 02nd 2017.
- Memento:and a shawl as a token of gratitude presented by St. Aloysius College Alumni Association, Jabalpur on Teacher’s Day 2018.
- Best Paper Award: Presented by Mahratta Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture Pune in the 2ndInternational Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology on Sept. 29th (Paper: qI-Connectedness in Ideal Bitopological Spaces)
- Distinguished Women Scientist Award in Mathematics: Presented by International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation Dubai Academic Chapter and Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, Punjab, India at the International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, Dubai on Jan.18th-19th2019
- Best Paper Award: Presented by IMRF Institute of Education and Research Dubai Chapter and Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, Punjab, India at the International Conference on Advances in Mathematics, Computers and Physical Sciences Dubai 2019 on Jan.18th-19th2019, (Paper: qαI-Connectedness in Ideal Bitopological Spaces)
- Memento:and shawl presented by IMRF Institute of Education and Research Dubai Chapter and Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, Punjab, India as a token of gratitude for delivering a Keynote Talk at the International Conference on Advances in Mathematics, Computers and Physical Sciences Dubai 2019 on Jan.18th-19th2019
- Innovative Researcher and Dedicated Excellent Educationalist Award Mathematics:
To your outstanding extra ordinary skills & performance, merits, highest qualification. Innovative knowledge, development in scientific research & thesis, dissertation, projects, advancement in educational-professional initiatives, excellent exposure, practice, activities, paper publication, active participation for seminar & workshop, top credential & experience, educational-professional membership, contribution, continued dedicated services, high profile, scientific research journal editorial board member, sustained accomplishment, achievement, etc. Presented by The Society of Innovative Educationalist and Scientific Research Professional, Chennai in The Innovative Global Scientific Researchers Educationalist-Professionals & Journalist Awards & Fellowship Honors Convocation 2020-21.
- Johannes Kepler International Distinguished Professor & Researcher Award 2023 in Mathematics: Presented by IMRF Institute of Higher Education & Research, Vijayawada, India on UN Public Service Day 23rdJune 2023
- Best Paper Award: Presented by St. Aloysius (Autonomous) College, Jabalpur (M.P.) at the National Seminar on Education for Sustainability: Navigating the Changing Landscape of Higher Education March 1st-2nd (Paper: Use of Dynamic Visualization in Fostering Spatial Ability of UG students to Support Sustainability Goals)
2. Dr. Akhilesh Pathak
PRASASTI PATRAS: at State Level NSS Camp on March 5th 2017 by
• Principal, Govt. P. G. College, Rahali , Sagar, M.P.
• Chief Municipal Officer, Nagar Palika, Rahali, Sagar, M.P.
BEST NSS OFFICER AWARD 2017: on 24th Sept. 2017 by RDVV, Jabalpur.
1. Ms. Kiran Kumari
YOUNG SCIENTIST WITH ZEAL AWARD: on 11th Mar 2017 for presenting Research Paper entitled:
“Operation Research: A tool for Entrepreneurship” under the guidance of Dr. Mandira Kar at 5th International Conference on Advances in Science, Society, Culture Humanities & Technologies (ICASSCHT- 2017) held at D.N. Jain College, Jabalpur.
2. Ms. Sanjiwani Pandey and Ms. Shubhasini Mishra
BEST PAPER AWARD:. on 24th Feb. 2019 for presenting Research Paper entitled: “Assessment of Complete Sanitation under Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan (Gramin) – A Mathematical Case Study”under the guidance of Dr. Mandira Kar at the National Seminar on Parallel Computing and Optimization Techniques 23-24 Feb 2019.
Activities of the Department
National Mathematics Day Report 21-22
Acadmic Year 2017-2018
Report of Pythagorean Fest 2016-17
Report of National Mathematics Day