Name: Dr. Mita Darbari
Dean Physical Sciences
Area: Topology, Functional Analysis, Pythagorean Number Theory
Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D.

  • Teaching Experience:Taught in

    • Regional College of Education, Bhopal for one year.
    • M.M.V.V.M., Jabalpur for two months.
    • S.T.B.K.College, Jabalpur for one year and seven months.
    • Teaching in St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur since 1991.

    Present Post: Dean, Physical Sciences, St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur.

    • BOOK PUBLISHED: Pythagoras Recalled; LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany; 23rd May 2014; ISBN-10: 365954731X; ISBN-13: 978-3659547317


    • Mita Darbari, Prashans Darbari, “Special Pythagorean Triangles with Sum of their Two Legs as Undecic”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. Vol. 8. Issue 11, 2019-2023, September 2019. ISSN: 2278-3075. Value of Citation 2019: 6.03, Indexed in Scopus.
    • Mita Darbari, Prashans Darbari, Soumya Nema, Mansi Sahu, Reena Soni, “Fortifying The Messages”, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research. Vol. 8. Issue 12, 544-552, December 2019. ISSN: 2277-8616. Impact Factor 2019: 7.466, Indexed in Scopus.
    • Mita Darbari, Prashans Darbari, Aditi Singh, Jayeshikha Uikey, Mohd Irshad, “Special Pythagorean Triangles and Cryptography”, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research. Vol. 9. Issue 3, 1966-1968, March 2020. ISSN: 2277-8616. Impact Factor 2019: 7.466, Indexed in Scopus.
    • Mita Darbari, Prashans Darbari, “SOME SPECIAL PYTHAGOREAN TRIANGLES”, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative ResearchVol. 6. Issue 2, 135-139, February 2019. ISSN: 2349-5162.
    • Mita Darbari; Some Perfect Pythagorean Triangles where their perimeters are Quaternary numbers, International Journal of Engineering Science Invention (IJESI),7(2-VI), 46-50, February 2018. Impact Factor: 5.962, Indexed in Google Scholar and others. UGC approved Journal (UGC Journal NO:43302, S.N. 2573)  ISSN (Online): 2319 – 6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 6726
    • Darbari Mita; Some very Special Pythagorean Triangles with their perimeters as both Triangular and Pentagonal numbers, International Journal of Advanced Research, 5(1), 708-714, January 2017. Impact Factor: 6.118, Indexed in Thompson Reuter, Google Scholar. UGC approved Journal (UGC Journal NO:47231)
    • Darbari Mita; On Obtaining Some Special Pythagorean Triangles with their Areas as Pentagonal Numbers; International Journal of Advanced Research (2015), Volume 3, Issue 7, 599-601; pp 599-601. ISSN 2320-5407. Impact Factor- 4.588
    • Darbari Mita; Special Pythagorean Triangles and Triangular Numbers; IJISET – International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 7, July 2015; pp 406-409. ISSN 2348 – 7968. Impact Factor- 1.5
    • Darbari Mita; A Connection Between Hardy-Ramanujan Number and Special Pythagorean Triangles; International Journal of Bulletin of Society for Mathematical Services and Standard, Vol.3, No.2, June 2014; pp 71-73. Impact Factor- 3.406. ISSN: 2277-8020
    • Darbari Mita; Two Very Special Pythagorean Triangles; Mathematica Aeterna; Vol 3; No.6; 2013; pp 497-500. ISSN-1314-3344 ; Impact Factor- 0.8021
    • Darbari Mita; Special Pythagorean Triangles with Area as Triangular Numbers;  International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Applications (IJMSEA);  IJMSEA, Vol.7, No.IV, July 2013; pp 221-225. Impact Factor- 0.2172. ISSN 0973-9424
    • Darbari Mita; Oblong Numbers and Pythagorean Triangles; American Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences;1(1);2012;75-78. ISSN : 2250 3102
    • Rana S.S., Darbari Mita; Special Pythagorean Triangles with Sum of Two Legs a Nonic; International Journal: Mathematical Modelling and Applied Computing (MMAC); 2(1) (2011), pp. 37-42. ISSN: 0973-6093
    • Rana S.S., Darbari Mita; Special Pythagorean Triangles with Sum of Two Legs a Heptic; Global Journal of Computational Science and Mathematics(GJCSM); ISSN 2248-9908; 1(2); 2011;  pp. 81-86. ISSN:2248-9908
    • Rana S.S., Darbari Mita; Special Pythagorean Triangles with Sum of Two Legs an Octic; Global Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (GJ-AMMS); 4(1); Jan- June 2011; pp. 37- 43. ISSN : 0973-5518
    • Darbari Mita, Rana S.S.; Special Pythagorean Triangles with Sum of Two Legs a Quintic; International Journal: Mathematical Manuscripts (IJMM); 4(1); September 2011; pp. 1-4. ISSN 0974- 2883
    • Darbari Mita; Special Pythagorean Triangles with Perimeter to be Sum Two Squares and a Quartic; International Journal of Mathematical Archive 2(7); July 2011; pp. 1094-1098. ISSN: 2229-5046
    • Rana S.S., Darbari Mita; Special Pythagorean Triangles in terms of Triangular Numbers; International Journal of Physical Sciences; Ultra Scientist Vol. 23(2) A; 2011; pp. 559-562..
    • Darbari Mita; Rana S.S.,; Finding Special Pythagorean Triangles with Sum of Two Legs a Decic Through Mathematica; International Journal of Computational Mathematics and Numerical Simulation; 4(2)(2011);.279-284. ISSN: 0973.581X
    • Rana S.S., Darbari Mita; Some Special Pythagorean Triangles;ANTARCTICA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS; 8(5); 2011;421-425. ISSN:0972-8643
    • Rana S.S., Darbari Mita; Special Pythagorean Triangles with Perimeter as a Sum of Two Squares and a Cube; International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Applications;1(3); Sept.2011; 1225-28. ISSN: 2230-9888
    • Darbari Mita; Ecology, Mathematics and Pythagoras; Pythagoras    Foundation Newsletter No. 7, December 2006;  Naarden, Holland;  ISSN: 1872-3241; pp. 4-6. .ISSN: 1872-3241 (online version); 1872-3233 (print version).
    • Darbari Mita; Contribution of Pythagoras towards Women Empowerment; Pythagoras Foundation Newsletter No 4; Naarden, Holland; June 2005; pp 6-7


    International (Bangkok) 

    • Mita Darbari; Special Pythagorean Triangles and Pentagonal Numbers ;The Proceeding of 17th Asian Technology Conference in   Mathematics (ATCM 2012), December 16-20, 2012, organized by Suan Sunandha Raja Bhat University, Bangkok, Thailand and Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. Pp 208-214.ISBN 978-0-9821164-4-9 (Hard Copy) ISSN 1940-2279 (CD)

Chapters in Book: 02

    • Darbari, M., & Indrakanti, V. (2020). Holistic development of students in Higher Educational Institutions through infrastructure and learning resources. In J.G.V. Arasu, Philip, & S. Samuel (Eds.), Quality education (pp. 171-178). New Delhi: APH Publishing Corporation.
    • Darbari, M., & Rao, I.S. (2020). Benchmarking in higher education with reference to curriculum standards. In J.G.V. Arasu, E. Philip, & S. Samuel (Eds.), Quality education (pp. 206-213). New Delhi: APH Publishing Corporation.


    • Darbari Mita; Special Pythagorean Triangles; Ninad; Volume VI; Jabalpur; December 2009; pp. 49-53.
    • Information Technology: A Powerful Tool in teaching Mathematics, Ninad, Vol.    IV, No. 1 & 2, Nov. 2007.

National PROCEEDINGS: 07

    • Mita Darbari; Making Teaching of Mathematics Interesting through Visualization Using Mathematica is published in Souvenir of National Seminar on  Emerging trends in Mathematics and its Applications” on 6 February 2016, organized by Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jabalpur, sponsored by MPCST, Bhopal.
    • Darbari Mita; Role of Pythagoras in Discovering Music as Mathematic;  Proceedings of National Seminar on History of Mathematical Sciences, 26-27th February 2010, organized by Govt P.G. College, Neemach, sponsored by UGC; pp 46-48.
    • Making Sakshar Bharat a Reality: Public-Private Partnership is a Necessity             was presented in State level Symposium on Literacy: Time to Act for Nation Building, 19th February 2010, organized by Resource Centre for Adult and Continuing Education, State Resource Centre, Bhopal, is published.
    • Mita Darbari, Ecology- A Pythagorean Perspective, Ecological Spirituality cross cultural perspective, 2007. ISBN: 978-81-8387-108-2
    • Darbari Mita; Quality Assurance and Pythagoras; Quality Education: Prospects and Challenges; 2008; ISBN: 978-81-313-0353-5; pp. 149-153.
    • Darbari Mita; Pythagoras: A Mathematician or a Philosopher; Suvrna- Golden Jublee Sovneir of Akhil Bhartiya Darshan Parishad ; Deptt. of Philosophy, RDVV, Jabalpur ; Feb 2006 ; pp.69-70.
    • Darbari Mita, Verma Malay; Inter-relation of Philosophy and Mathematics in Special Context of Pythagoras; Paramita- Journal of Darshan Parishad; 2005;  pp. 219-222.


  • BOOK PUBLISHED: Pythagoras Recalled; LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany; 23rd May 2014; ISBN-10:365954731X; ISBN-13: 978-365954731
  • BOOK PUBLISHED: Pythagoras and His Triangles; Empyreal Publishing House; June 2023. ISBN: 978-93-93810-76-2
  • BOOK EDITED: J.G. Valan Arasu, Mita Darbari, Deliberations on Advances in Physical, Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Shree Vinayak Publication, Agra, 2020. ISBN: 978-93-87899-09-4.
  • BOOK EDITED: G. Valan Arasu, Mita Darbari, Cogitations on Advances in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Shree Vinayak Publication, Agra, 2022, 110-114. ISBN: 978-93-91267-45-2

Conference Organised: 03

  • Online International Conference on Advances in Physical, Mathematical and Computational Sciences, 12-13 June 2020.
  • Second Online International Conference on Advances in Physical, Mathematical and Computational Sciences, 23-24 July 2021.
  • Third Online International Conference on Advances in Physical, Mathematical and Computational Sciences, 24-25 June 2022.


  • Seminar on Geometry and Topology, organized by Deptt, of Mathematics and Computer Science, RDVV, Jabalpur Dec 18-21, 1995, sponsored by DRS(SAP-I), UGC.
  • National Conference on Recent Trends in Computational Mathematics,           December 12-14, 2001, organized by Deptt. of Mathematics and Computer Science, RDVV, Jabalpur.
  • National Seminar on Applications of Mathematics in Science & Technology, 23-24th March 2003, organized by Deptt. of Mathematics, Govt. Model Science College (Autonomous), Jabalpur.
  • Three-day training programme on Conflict Management and Team Building, 8-10 August 2003, organized by Xavier Institute of Development Action and Studies XIDAS, Jabalpur.
  • Two-day training programme on Methodology of Referencing of Research, 17-18th August 2004, organized by Xavier Institute of Development Action and Studies XIDAS, Jabalpur.
  • Teacher’s Workshop on Quest for Unity: Dialogue between Science and Religion, 3rd & 4th December 2004, organized by St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur.
  • National Seminar on Modern Science and Spirituality, 11-12th May 2005, organized by AEWF, Jabalpur & IISR Pune.
  • National Workshop on Teaching and Learning Physics through Mathematica,18th to 20th March, 2007, organized by St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur, sponsored by U.G.C.
  • National Workshop on Integration of Science & Spirituality to Instill Values in Youth: Curriculum Development, 20-21st February 2009, organized by AEWF, Jabalpur & IISR Pune.
  • National Seminar on Nano Technology: A Futuristic Application in All Disciplines of Science, 12-13th Dec 2009, organized by Deptt. of Chemistry & Biochemistry, St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur, sponsored by UGC.
  • Workshop on e-Learning   for Effective Teaching, 16-18th February 2010, organized by Academic Staff  College, RDVV, Jabalpur.
  • National Workshop on Flexible Solutions for Analytical Needs, 6-8th October 2010, organized by Deptt. of Computer Science, St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur.
  • Investor Awareness Programme on 3rd March 2012, organized by Ministry of Corporate Affairs & Jabalpur Chapter of Cost Accountants (Statutory Body Under an Act of Parliament), St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur.
  • National Workshop on Indian Mathematics Before and After Ramanujan, 14-15 September 2012, held at Government Model Science College, Jabalpur, organized by Mahakoshal Vigyan Parishad, sponsored by National Council for Science & Technology Communication,(NCSTC), Govt of India, New Delhi & MP. Council Science & Technology (MPCOST), Bhopal .
  • National workshop on “ Matlab In Robotics” 28th February -1st March 2014 , Organized by Nachiketa  College, Jabalpur, Sponsored  by:  ProActive-InfoSoft in association with ALCHERINGA IIT-GUWAHATI.
  • Training Programme on Project Based Learning and Need of Academic Audit in enhancing the quality of Higher Education, 27-28 January, 2017, sponsored by United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia. Organized by St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Jabalpur.
  • National Seminar on e-Learning and MOOC in Higher Education, 17 March 2018,Guru Angad DevTeaching Learning Centre of MHRD, SGTB Khalsa College University of Delhi in collaboration with St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Jabalpur.
  • National Training Programme on The Art of Mathematical Modelling as a Teaching Pedagogy, organised by St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Jabalpur on 9-10 February 2018, sponsored by United Board Asia.
  • National Workshop on Revised Assessment and Accreditation Framework for Higher Education Institutions in India, 15-16 December 2019, sponsored by United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia. Organized by St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Jabalpur.
  • Five Days Online International Workshop   on “Intricacies of NAAC Assessment for Better Scoring”, 27th – 31st July 2020, organized by St. Francis De Sales College, Nagpur.
  • National Training Programme on Intellectual Property Right and Patenting: A New Vision, 18th -19th November 2020, organized by St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Jabalpur.
  • Workshop on “Grant Writing in Mathematics and Data Sciences”, 12th December 2020, organized by Ministry of Education and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Under the Scheme for Transformational and Advanced Research in Sciences.
  • Faculty Development Programme on “Teaching, Learning and Evaluation for Alliance with Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy”, 14th -18th December 2020, organized by St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Jabalpur.
  • National Webinar on “Mathematics and its Applications”, 22nd -24th December 2020, organized by Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College, Jabalpur, sponsored by National Council of Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC), New Delhi and M.P. Council of Science and Technology (MPCST), Bhopal.
  • Five Days Faculty Development Programme on “Professional Ethics and Being a Leader of Excellence”, 22nd – 26th February 2020, organized by St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Jabalpur.
  • Three Days Indian Christian Higher Education Leaders Summit (ICHELS) from the 13thto the 16th of April, 2023, Women’s Christian College, Chennai. 


  • Mita Darbari; Prashans Darbari, “Eight Extraordinary Pythagorean Triangles” AIP Conf. Proc.2901, 030001 (2023) Online ISSN 1551-7616; Print ISSN 0094-243X Indexed in Scopus.
  • Mita Darbari and Prashans Darbari, “Special Pythagorean Triangles with Sum of Two Legs a Hexic”. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development (WWJMRD) 2023; 9(06): 20-25
  • Mita Darbari and Prashans Darbari, ” Pythagorean triangles with sum of its two legs as Dodecic “. GSC Advanced Engineering and Technology (GSCAET), 03(01), 2022, 011-015.Online
  • Mita Darbari, Prashans Darbari, Sarvadev Kumar, Arpita Sen , Megha Tamrakar, Vibha Sahu. “TWO EXCEPTIONAL PYTHAGOREAN TRIANGLES: A KEY FOR ENCRYPTION”. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 7, 8, 2020, 4993-5000. Online ISSN:2515-8260
  • Mita Darbari, Prashans Darbari, “Special Pythagorean Triangles with Sum of their Two Legs as Undecic”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. Vol. 8. Issue 11, 2019-2023, September 2019. ISSN: 2278-3075. Value of Citation 2019: 6.03, Indexed in Scopus.
  • Mita Darbari, Prashans Darbari, Soumya Nema, Mansi Sahu, Reena Soni, “Fortifying The Messages”, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research. Vol. 8. Issue 12, 544-552, December 2019. ISSN: 2277-8616. Impact Factor 2019: 7.466, Indexed in Scopus.
  • Mita Darbari, Prashans Darbari, Aditi Singh, Jayeshikha Uikey, Mohd Irshad,  “Special Pythagorean Triangles and Cryptography”, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research. Vol. 9. Issue 3, 1966-1968, March 2020. ISSN: 2277-8616. Impact Factor 2019: 7.466, Indexed in Scopus.
  • Mita Darbari, Prashans Darbari, “SOME SPECIAL PYTHAGOREAN TRIANGLES”, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research Vol. 6. Issue 2, 135-139, February 2019. ISSN: 2349-5162. UGC Approved in 2019 No. 63975
  • Mita Darbari; Some Perfect Pythagorean Triangles where their perimeters are Quaternary numbers, International Journal of Engineering Science Invention (IJESI),7(2-VI), 46-50, February 2018. Impact Factor: 5.962, Indexed in Google Scholar and others. UGC approved Journal (UGC Journal NO:43302, S.N. 2573), ISSN (Online): 2319 – 6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 6726
  • Darbari Mita; Some very Special Pythagorean Triangles with their perimeters as both Triangular and Pentagonal numbers, International Journal of Advanced Research, 5(1), 708-714, January 2017. Impact Factor: 6.118, Indexed in Thompson Reuter, Google Scholar. UGC approved Journal (UGC Journal NO:47231)
  • Darbari Mita; On Obtaining Some Special Pythagorean Triangles with their Areas as Pentagonal Numbers; International Journal of Advanced Research (2015), Volume 3, Issue 7, 599-601; pp 599-601. ISSN 2320-5407. Impact Factor- 4.588
  • Darbari Mita; Special Pythagorean Triangles and Triangular Numbers; IJISET – International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 7, July 2015; pp 406-409. ISSN 2348 – 7968. Impact Factor- 1.5
  • Darbari Mita; A Connection Between Hardy-Ramanujan Number and Special Pythagorean Triangles; International Journal of Bulletin of Society for Mathematical Services and Standard, Vol.3, No.2, June 2014; pp 45-47. Impact Factor- 3.406. ISSN: 2277-8020
  • Darbari Mita; Two Very Special Pythagorean Triangles; Mathematica Aeterna; Vol 3; No.6; 2013; pp 497-500. ISSN-1314-3344 ; Impact Factor- 0.8021
  • Darbari Mita; Special Pythagorean Triangles with Area as Triangular Numbers;  International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Applications (IJMSEA);  IJMSEA, Vol.7, No.IV, July 2013; pp 221-225. Impact Factor- 0.2172. ISSN 0973-9424
  • Darbari Mita; Oblong Numbers and Pythagorean Triangles; American Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences;1(1);2012;75-78. ISSN : 2250 3102
  • Rana S.S., Darbari Mita; Special Pythagorean Triangles with Sum of Two Legs a Nonic; International Journal: Mathematical Modelling and Applied Computing (MMAC); 2(1) (2011), pp. 37-42. ISSN: 0973-6093
  • Rana S.S., Darbari Mita; Special Pythagorean Triangles with Sum of Two Legs a Heptic; Global Journal of Computational Science and Mathematics(GJCSM); ISSN 2248-9908; 1(2); 2011; 81-86. ISSN:2248-9908
  • Rana S.S., Darbari Mita; Special Pythagorean Triangles with Sum of Two Legs an Octic; Global Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (GJ-AMMS); 4(1); Jan- June 2011; pp. 37- 43. ISSN : 0973-5518
  • Darbari Mita, Rana S.S.; Special Pythagorean Triangles with Sum of Two Legs a Quintic; International Journal: Mathematical Manuscripts (IJMM); 4(1); September 2011; pp. 1-4. ISSN 0974- 2883
  • Darbari Mita; Special Pythagorean Triangles with Perimeter to be Sum Two Squares and a Quartic; International Journal of Mathematical Archive 2(7); July 2011; pp. 1094-1098. ISSN: 2229-5046
  • Rana S.S., Darbari Mita; Special Pythagorean Triangles in terms of Triangular Numbers; International Journal of Physical Sciences; Ultra Scientist Vol. 23(2) A; 2011; pp. 559-562.
  • Darbari Mita; Rana S.S.; Finding Special Pythagorean Triangles with Sum of Two Legs a Decic Through Mathematica; International Journal of Computational Mathematics and Numerical Simulation; 4(2)(2011);.279-284. ISSN: 0973.581X
  • Rana S.S., Darbari Mita; Some Special Pythagorean Triangles;ANTARCTICA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS; 8(5); 2011;421-425. ISSN:0972-8643
  • Rana S.S., Darbari Mita; Special Pythagorean Triangles with Perimeter as a Sum of Two Squares and a Cube; International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Applications;1(3); Sept.2011; 1225-28. ISSN: 2230-9888
  • Darbari Mita; Ecology, Mathematics and Pythagoras; Pythagoras Foundation Newsletter No. 7, December 2006;  Naarden, Holland;  ISSN: 1872-3241; 4-6. .ISSN: 1872-3241 (online version); 1872-3233 (print version).
  • Darbari Mita; Contribution of Pythagoras towards Women Empowerment; Pythagoras Foundation Newsletter No 4; Naarden, Holland; June 2005; pp 6-7


  • Mita Darbari; Special Pythagorean Triangles and Pentagonal Numbers ;The Proceeding of 17th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (ATCM 2012), December 16-20, 2012, organized by Suan Sunandha Raja Bhat University, Bangkok, Thailand and Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. Pp 208-214.ISBN 978-0-9821164-4-9 (Hard Copy) ISSN 1940-2279 (CD)

Chapters in Book: 07

  • Darbari, Mita Darbari and S. Chatterjee, “An Application of Extraordinary Pythagorean Triangles with Sum of its Two Legs as Tridecic Numbers for Secured Messages”, Scientific Approach for Self-Reliant India, Shree Vinayak Publication, Agra, 2023, 204-213. ISBN: 978-93-91267-49-0
  • Mita Darbari, Prashans Darbari, Deepanshu Rawat and Disha Shukla, “Primitive Pythagorean Triangles and Mersenne Primes”, Cogitations on Advances in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Shree Vinayak Publication, Agra, 2022, 109-113. ISBN: 978-93-91267-45-2
  • Mita Darbari, Prashans Darbari, Shivam Soni, Aayushi Sahu and Neha Patel, “Special Pythagorean Triangles and Fermat Primes”, Cogitations on Advances in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Shree Vinayak Publication, Agra, 2022, 152-158. ISBN: 978-93-91267-45-2
  • Mita Darbari and Prashans Darbari, “Harshad Numbers and Pythagorean Triangles”, Deliberations on Advances in Physical, Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Shree Vinayak Publication, Agra, 2020, 137-143.ISBN: 978-93-87899-09-4
  • Mita Darbari and Mansi Sahu, “Mathematics, Pythagoras, Health and Nature”, Health and Hygiene During Covid-19 Pandemic, Shree Vinayak Publication, Agra, 2020, 19-23. ISBN: 978-93-87899-07-0
  • Darbari, M., & Indrakanti, V. (2020). Holistic development of students in Higher Educational Institutions through infrastructure and learning resources. In J.G.V. Arasu,  E. Philip, & S. Samuel (Eds.), Quality Education (pp. 171-178). New Delhi: APH Publishing Corporation.
  • Darbari, M., & Rao, I.S. (2020). Benchmarking in higher education with reference to curriculum standards. In J.G.V. Arasu, E. Philip, & S. Samuel (Eds.), Quality education (pp. 206-213). New Delhi: APH Publishing Corporation.


  • Darbari Mita; Special Pythagorean Triangles; Ninad; Volume VI; Jabalpur; December 2009; pp. 49-53.
  • Information Technology: A Powerful Tool in teaching Mathematics, Ninad, Vol. IV, No. 1 & 2, Nov. 2007.

National PROCEEDINGS: 07

  • Mita Darbari; Making Teaching of Mathematics Interesting through Visualization Using Mathematica is published in Souvenir of National Seminar on Emerging trends in Mathematics and its Applications” on 6 February 2016, organized by Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jabalpur, sponsored by MPCST, Bhopal.
  • Darbari Mita; Role of Pythagoras in Discovering Music as Mathematic; Proceedings of National Seminar on History of Mathematical Sciences, 26-27th February 2010, organized by Govt P.G. College, Neemach, sponsored by UGC; pp 46-48.
  • Making Sakshar Bharat a Reality: Public-Private Partnership is a Necessity was presented in State level Symposium on Literacy: Time to Act for Nation Building, 19th February 2010, organized by Resource Centre for Adult and Continuing Education, State Resource Centre, Bhopal, is published.
  • Mita Darbari, Ecology- A Pythagorean Perspective, Ecological Spirituality cross cultural perspective, 2007. ISBN: 978-81-8387-108-2
  • Darbari Mita; Quality Assurance and Pythagoras; Quality Education: Prospects and Challenges; 2008; ISBN: 978-81-313-0353-5; pp. 149-153.
  • Darbari Mita; Pythagoras: A Mathematician or a Philosopher; Suvrna- Golden Jublee Sovneir of Akhil Bhartiya Darshan Parishad; Deptt. of Philosophy, RDVV, Jabalpur; Feb 2006;69-70.
  • Darbari Mita, Verma Malay; Inter-relation of Philosophy and Mathematics in Special Context of Pythagoras; Paramita- Journal of Darshan Parishad; 2005; 219-222.

PRESENTED but not published: 31


  • One Research paper titled The Mathematical Philosophy of Pythagoras: A Relation between Science and Religion which was presented at 1st International Congress on Dialogue between Science and Religion- Defining Life, the Person and Health, 1-4th May 2006, organized by Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Medical Ethics & History of Medicine Research Center and Iranian Institute of Philosophy, Tehran, Iran.
  • One Research paper titled Pythagoras: Who Was He? was presented at International Seminar on History of Mathematics:An event celebrating the National Mathematics Year 2012 to commemorate 125th Birth Year of Srinivasa Ramanujan, Ramjas College, University of Delhi: Nov 19-20, 2012
  • One Research paper titled All thing is Number: A Pythagorean Idea was presented at International conference on History and Development of Mathematical Sciences and Symposium on Non Linear Analysis- ICHDMS- 2012, November 21-24,2012, organized by Department of Mathematics, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohatak and Indian Society For History of Mathematics.
  • One Research paper titled Special Pythagorean Triangles and Triangular Numbers was presented at International conference on Mathematical Sciences ICMS- 2012, December 28-31, 2012, organized by Department of Mathematics, Shivaji Science College, Nagpur
  • One Research paper titled Pythagoras and Special Pythagorean Triangles presented at International conference on History & Development of Mathematics ICHDM- 2013, 29-30 November & 1st December 2013, organized by Department of Mathematics, JERCE University, Jaipur and Indian Society For History of Mathematics.
  • One Research paper titled On Obtaining Some Special Pythagorean Triangles Using Mathematica was presented at International conference on Exploring Trends and Practices in Information Technology and Management, 5-6 January 2015, organized by Department of Computer Science and Computer Application and Department of Management, St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur, sponsored by UGC.
  • Paper Presentation titled “Special Pythagorean Triangles in Connection with Weiferich Primes” in 3rd Online International Conference on Advances in Physical, Mathematical and Computational Sciences, 24rd-25th June 2022.
  • Paper Presentation titled “Connection between Primitive Pythagorean Triangles and Mersenne Primes” in 4th International Conference on Advances in Physical Sciences and Materials (ICAPSM 2023), KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, 17th-18th August 2023.


  • One Research paper titled Pythagoras and Woman Empowerment was presented at 6th National Symposium of Shanti, Vikas & Sanskritic Ekta Parishad on Women Empowerment: Realities and challenges, 20-21st February 2005, organized by Navyug college of Arts And Commerce, Jabalpur.
  • One Research paper titled Pythagorean Neeti-Shastra tatha vartamaan mein uski prasingikta was presented at Golden Jubilee Congress of Akhil Bhartiya Darshan Parishad, 25-27th February 2006, organized by Deptt. of Philosophy, RDVV, Jabalpur.
  • One Research paper titled Value Education: The Need of the Hour was presented at National Seminar on Role of Value Education in Present Perspective, 3-4th 2006, organized by N.E.S. College of Education, Hoshangabad, sponsored by U.G.C.
  • One Research paper titled Pythagorean school mein Mulya Shiksha va vartamaan mein uski Prasingikta was presented at National Seminar on Role of Value Education in Present Perspective, 3-4th 2006, organized by N.E.S. College of Education, Hoshangabad, sponsored by U.G.C.
  • One Research paper titled Women Empowerment in Pythagorean School and its Relevance in present Indian Context was presented at National Conference on Status of Indian Women, 24-25th 2006, organized by Govt. Girl’s College, Ranjhi, Jabalpur, sponsored by Deptt. of Higher Education, Bhopal.
  • One Research paper titled Empowering students towards Value-based Education in special context of Pythagoras was presented at National Conference on Students Participation in Quality Enhancement in Higher Education, 22nd -23rd 2006, organized by Shivaji Science College, Nagpur, sponsored by U.G.C., New Delhi and NAAC, Bangalore.
  • One Research paper titled All is Number- A Pythagorean Perspective was presented at 72nd Annual Conference of The Indian Mathematical Society, 27th-30th 2006,organized by Deptt. of Mathematics and Computer Science, RDVV, Jabalpur.
  • One Research paper titled Music, Mathematics and Pythagoras was presented at National Seminar on Comprehensiveness of Mathematical Siences, 22nd – 23rd 2007, organized by Deptt. of Mathematics. Govt. P.G. College, Narsinghpur, M.P., sponsored by U.G.C.
  • One Research paper titled Use of Mathematics in Economics was presented at National Seminar on Comprehensiveness of Mathematical Sciences, 22nd – 23rd 2007, organized by Deptt. of Mathematics. Govt. P.G. College, Narsinghpur, M.P., sponsored by U.G.C.
  • One Research paper titled Benchmarking in Higher Education – A Necessary Tool for Quality was presented at National Workshop on Reaccreditation : Periodical Quality Assessment in Higher Eduation,2nd & 3rd Nov, 2007, organized by Government Model Science College, Jabalpur, sponsored by NAAC.
  • One Research paper titled Value Education – A Necessity in Present Scenario was presented at National Seminar on Value consciousness and its different discourses, 26-27th July 2008, organized by Deptt. of Philosophy, Govt. MKB College of Arts and Commerce (Autonomous), Jabalpur, sponsored by UGC.
  • One Research paper titled Pythagoras And Value Education was presented at National Seminar on Value conciosness and its different discourses, 26-27th July 2008, organized by Deptt. of Philosophy, Govt. MKB College of Arts and Commerce (Autonomous), Jabalpur, sponsored by UGC.
  • One Research paper titled Environmental crisis, Urbanizaion, Industrialization and population Explosion was presented at National Seminar on Environment Hazards and Diaster, 12-13th January 2009, organized by Hawabagh Women’s College, Jabalpur, sponsored by UGC.
  • One Research paper titled Role of Pythagoras in Empowering Women and its Relevance in Present Indian context was presented at National Seminar on Women Empowerment in Modern Indian Society, 27-28th February 2009, organized by Chanchal Bai Patel Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jabalpur, sponsored by UGC.
  • One Research paper titled Some Special Pythagorean Triangles in terms of Oblong Numbers was presented at National Conference on Advancement in Information, Communication and Technology, 14-15th October 2011, organized by Deptt. of Computer Science, St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur.
  • One Research paper titled Ramanujan Number and Special Pythagorean Triangles was presented at National conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences, 22-23rd March 2013, organized by Jabalpur Engineering College, Jabalpur, sponsored by DTE, Bhopal.
  • One Research paper titled Finding Special Pythagorean Triangles in terms of Polygonal Numbers was presented at National Seminar on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 4-5th January 2014, organized by Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jabalpur, sponsored by UGC.
  • One Research paper titled Sant Ravidas Avam Pythagoras was presented at National Seminar on Rashtriya Ekta Ke Samvardhan Mein Sant Ravidas Ke Vicharon Ke Prasangikta, 27-28th February 2015, organized by Deptt. of Hindi, St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur, sponsored by UGC.
  • Presented a paper entitled Understanding Equivalent Topologies through Mathematica, in National Conference on Smart and Innovative Technologies in engineering and Sciences, 11-12 November 2016, organized by Gyan Ganga Group of Institutions, Jabalpur along with student Rebecca.
  • Presented a paper entitled Learning Pointwise Convergence of Sequence of Functions, in National Conference on Smart and Innovative Technologies in Engineering and Sciences, 11-12 November 2016, organized by Gyan Ganga Group of Institutions, Jabalpur along with students Priya and Pooja.


  • One Research paper titled Ship Breaking- End of Life vessels or Humans? was presented at State Level Conference on Effect of Chemical & Effluent, 2nd -3rd Dec,  2006, organized by Hitkarni Girl’s College, Jabalpur, sponsored by U.G.C,  Central Regional Office, Bhopal.
  • State level Symposium on Literacy: Time to Act for Nation Building, 19th February 2010, organized by Resource Centre for Adult and Continuing Education, State Resource Centre, Bhopal.
  • One Research paper titled Numbers and Pythagoras was presented at Madhya Pradesh Mahila Vigyan sammelan , 18-19th December 2010, organized by Shakti and Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jabalpur, sponsored by MPCOST, Bhopal.

Extra Activities:-

  •  Life Member: Indian Mathematical Society
  • Life Member: Indian Society for History of Mathematics
  • Life Member: Akhil Bhartiya Darshan Parishad
  • Life Member: Madhya Pradesh Ganit Parishad
  • Life member: Indian Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  • Member, Board of Studies, Mathematics, R.D.V.V., Jabalpur, for four terms.
  • Member, Board of Studies, Mathematics, M.H. College of Science and Home Science for Women, for one term.
  • Member BOS Mathematics, Atal Bihari Bajpai Hindi University, Bhopal, from 13-4-2018 to 12-4-2021.
  • Member BOS Mathematics, Govt. Sc. College, Jabalpur, from 13-4-2018 to 12-4-2021.
  • Secretary Mathematical Society of Institute of Science, Nagpur.1982-83.
  • Warden, Shanti Niketan Girls Hostel, R.C.E., Bhopal, for one year.1985-86.
  • Editor, Wall Paper, Institute of Science, Nagpur.1983-84
  • Member, Governing Body, SAC, Jabalpur, for three terms.

Research Project: 02

  • Research Project completed:  A grant of Rs. Fifty five thousand for minor research project titled A Critical  Study of Mathematical Philosophy of Pythagoras was sanctioned by UGC,  2005-07.
  • Research Project: Minor research project titled A  Study of Pythagorean Number Theory in Special Context of Special Pythagorean Triangles, sanctioned by UGC, 2011-13.


One Orientation and three Refresher courses conducted by A.S.C., R.D.V.V., Jabalpur.

Travel Grants to attend international conference-

  • In Tehran, Iran, 2006, by MPCOST, Bhopal
  • In Bangkok, Thailand, 2012, by UGC, Delhi

Research Guide: Approved Research Guide in Mathematics, Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur.

Research Paper Reviewer:

  • Reviewed Papers for International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, Taylor & Francis, UK

Resource Person: 25

  • Resource Person: Lecture Series on National Mathematics Day, talk titled A Genius Called Ramanujan, Govt. Science College, Jabalpur, 28th December 2023.
  • Resource Person: Lecture Series on National Mathematics Day, talk titled Ramanujam: The Gem of Mathematics, State Institute of Science Education, Jabalpur, 22-28th December 2022.
  • Resource Person: National Workshop on National Education Policy 2020, 5-7th October 2021, Govt. Science College, Jabalpur.
  • Resource Person: International Confluence 2.0v – International Student Faculty Exchange Programme, St. Aloysius College (Auto), Jabalpur, 18th September to 1st October 2021.
  • Resource Person: FDP on “An Overview of Revised Guidelines for NAAC Accreditation Framework in Higher Education Institutions”, Anand Vihar College for Women, Bhopal, 16-24th September 2021.
  • Resource Person: FDP on 05.03.2021 titled “Techniques in Effective Teaching of Mathematics in Higher Education”, organized by Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Govt. Science College, Jabalpur, sponsored by Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P. under World Bank Scheme of M.P. Higher Education Faculty Improvement Programme, Bhopal.
  • Resource Person: International webinar on 22.12.2020, talk titled “Ramanujan: An Indian Prodigy”, organized by Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Govt. Science College, Jabalpur, sponsored by National Council of Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC), New Delhi and M.P. Council of Science and Technology (MPCST), Bhopal.
  • Resource Person: National webinar on 25.08.2020 titled “Relevance of Pythagoras in Present Scenario”, organized by Department of Mathematics, Govt. Polytechnic, Katihar, under Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of Bihar.
  • Resource Person: National webinar on 14.07.2020 titled “Mathematics Everywhere Around Us”, organized by Department of Mathematics, Govt. Polytechnic, Darbhanga, under Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of Bihar.
  • Resource Person: National Seminar on Central Role of Mathematics in Physical Sciences organised by Govt. Science College ( Model & Auto), Jabalpur, 16th-17th November 2019,Under Aegis of Silver Jubilee Celebration of International Academy of Physical Sciences(IAPS) India.
  • Resource Person: Regional Mathematics Olympiad camp, 14th -19th October  2019, for national level second round of Mathematics Olympiad, organised by Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bohani, sponsored by Homi Baba Centre for Science Education (HBCSE), TIFR, Mumbai.
  • Resource Person: Mathematics Olympiad Training Camp, 14th -18th January 2020,  organised by Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bargi Nagar, Jabalpur, sponsored by Homi Baba Centre for Science Education (HBCSE), TIFR, Mumbai.
  • Resource Person: Faculty Development Programme organised by Gyan Ganga Institute of Technology and Sciences, Jabalpur, 17th-21st December 2019. Topic-Effective Teaching of Mathematics in Higher Education
  • Resource Person: National Mathematics Day, Science College (Model & Auto), Jabalpur, 22nd-23rd Nov. 2019.
  • Resource Person: Key note lecture on Graph Theory in one day workshop at Govt. Tilak P.G. College Katni, 25-4-2018.
  • Resource Person: Talk titled Fun with Mathematics in Short Term Teacher Training Programme Educate the Educator organised by St. Aloysius Institute of Technology, Jabalpur on 10-3-2018, sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource and Development, Govt. of India.
  • Resource Person: Five-day training programme from 4-8 January 2018, for national level final round of Mathematics Olympiad, organised by PSM, Jabalpur, sponsored by Homi Baba Centre for Science Education (HBCSE), TIFR, Mumbai.
  • Resource Person: Workshop on Mathematica: Modern Tool of Engg. And Sciences MA-MTES,27-02-2017, organised by Gyan Ganga College of Technology, Jabalpur.
  • Resource Person: Talk titled Cosmos: A Boon to Posterity from Pythagoras in National Level Seminar on Modern Trends in Mathematics, on 22nd December 2016, organized by PG & Research Department of Mathematics, Shrimati Indira Gandhi College, Tiruchirappalli.
  • Resource Person: Talk titled Making Teaching of Mathematics Interesting through Visualization Using Mathematica at National Seminar on Emerging trends in Mathematics and its Applications” on 6 February 2016, organized by Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jabalpur, sponsored by MPCST, Bhopal.
  • Resource Person: Talk titled Visualizing the Solutions of Differential Equations by Mathematica at National Workshop on Numerical Mathematics, 27-28th January 2015, organized by Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jabalpur, sponsored by UGC.
  • Resource Person: One and half hour presentation on Numbers at GANIT Week on 12 December 2014, organized by St. Aloysius S.S. School Jabalpur.
  • Resource Person: Talk titled Vigyan avam Prodhuki ke Madhyam se Mahila Sashaktikaran was presented at National Workshop on Vigyan avam Prodhuki ke Madhyam se Mahila Sashaktikaran, 6th November 2012, organized by Chhatrasal Govt. P.G. College, Panna, sponsored by UGC.
  • Resource Person: Talk titled Use of Technology in Teaching & Research in Mathematics was presented at National Seminar on Recent Trends in Mathematical Sciences & Applications, 4-5th November 2012, organized by Deptt. of Mathematics, Chhatrasal Govt. P.G. College, Panna, sponsored by UGC.
  • Resource Person: Talk titled Graphical Solutions of Differential Equations by Mathematica was presented at National Workshop with Symposium on Applications of Differential Equations to Real World Problems, 26-28th February 2012, organized by Deptt. of Mathematics, Govt. Indira Gandhi Girls College, Shahdol, sponsored by UGC.

Member Advisory Board: 03

  • National workshop on “ Matlab In Robotics” 28th  February -1st March 2014 , Organized by Nachiketa  College, Jabalpur, Sponsored  by  ProActive-InfoSoft in association with ALCHERINGA IIT-GUWAHATI.
  • National Training Programme on The Art of Mathematical Modelling as a Teaching Pedagogy, organised by St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Jabalpur on 9-10 February 2018, sponsored by United Board Asia.
  • Two day workshop on MATLAB, organised by Gyan Ganga College of Technology, Jabalpuon 29-30 March 2019.

Chair Person: 05

  • The 17th Asian Technology Conference in   Mathematics (ATCM 2012), December 16-20, 2012, organized by Suan Sunandha Raja Bhat University, Bangkok, Thailand and Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • At National Conference on Smart and Innovative Technologies in Engineering and Sciences (SITES 2016), 11-12 November 2016, organized by Gyan Ganga Group of Institutions, Jabalpur.
  • National Workshop on Revised Assessment and Accreditation Framework for Higher Education Institutions in India, 15-16 December 2019, sponsored by United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia. Organized by St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Jabalpur
  • National conference on Envisioning a Healthy India-Health, Hygiene, Mother and Child, 21-23 February 2019,organized by St. Aloysius College (Auto.) Jabalpur.
  • National conference on Accreditation, Ranking and Quality: A Paradigm Shift for Strategic Enhancement of Higher Education in India, 8-9 November 2019, organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell, St. Aloysius College (Auto.) Jabalpur.

Chief Guest: 02

  • National Level Seminar on Modern Trends in Mathematics, on 22nd December 2016, organized by PG & Research Department of Mathematics, Shrimati Indira Gandhi College, Tiruchirappalli.
  • One day workshop on GRAPH THEORY at Govt. Tilak P.G. College Katni, 25-4-2018.

Research Paper Reviewer:

  • Reviewed research papers for International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology on Publons (Taylors and Francis Group).

Extra Activities: 

  • Life member – Indian Mathematical Society
  • Life member Indian Society for History of Mathematics
  • Life member- Akhil Bhartiya Darshan Parishad
  • Life member- Madhya Pradesh Ganit Parishad
  • Member, Board of Studies, Mathematics, R.D.V.V., Jabalpur, for three terms.
  • Member, Board of Studies, Mathematics, M.H. College of Science and Home Science for Women, for one term.
  • Member BOS Mathematics, Atal Bihari Bajpai Hindi University, Bhopal, from 13-4-2018 to 12-4-2021.
  • Member BOS Mathematics, Govt. Sc. College, Jabalpur, from 13-4-2018 to 12-4-2021.
  • Secretary Mathematical Society of Institute of Science, Nagpur.1982-83.
  • Warden, Shanti Neketan Girls Hostel, R.C.E., Bhopal, for one year.1985-86.
  • Editor, Wall Paper, Institute of Science, Nagpur.1983-84
  • Member, Governing Body, SAC, Jabalpur, for three terms.


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