Code of Conduct

(a) Every student shall maintain the decorum of the College and be polite to the Principal, Vice-Principal, teachers, other staff and peers.

(b) Every student shall totally concentrate on his/her studies and should actively participate in academic/non-academic college functions.

(c) Students are expected to maintain peace, harmony & cleanliness in the college. Admission shall be canceled for those who cause damage to college property Including building, Library laboratories, hostel, etc.

(d) Students shall not indulge in any political activity on the college campus. The violence of any kind shall not be tolerated.

(e) If students have any difficulty that needs to be addressed they can put it through their representative in a disciplined and peaceful manner to the teacher, If very necessary to the principal. They can also contact their mentor teacher or the grievance redressal cell. However, they cannot by any means contact any outsiders.

(f) Students shall not involve any Immoral/criminal activity. In case of any such involvement, strict action shall be taken.

(g) After admission if a student is found having submitted false documents/given false information / deliberately hidden important facts or if he/she has been admitted unconsciously then his/her admission can be terminated.

(h) If a student leaves the college in mid-session or is terminated mid-session the student shall be refunded only the caution money. No other fees are refundable.

(i) No student shall use his/her mobile phone in the class. If he/she is found doing so his/her phone shall be confiscated.


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