📅Last Updated on August 18, 2022



  • Serving Humanity with Love & Compassion



  • To provide young college students with opportunities to foster leadership and responsible citizenship and to promote peace and understanding.



  • Serving Humanity with Love & Compassion



  • To develop professional and leadership skills
  • To recognize the dignity and value of all useful occupations as opportunities to serve.
  • To recognize, practice, and promote ethical standards as leadership qualities and vocational responsibilities.
  • To develop knowledge and understanding of the needs, problems and opportunities in the community and worldwide.
  • To provide opportunities for personal and group activities to serve the community and promote international understanding and goodwill toward all people


Teacher Incharges:

3/10/2016— जहा हरियाली वहा खुशहाली- Plantation The future will either be green or not exit at all. This truth lies at the heart of humankind’s most pressing challenge, namely, to learn to live in harmony with Mother Earth on a genuinely sustainable basis. Working towards this noble cause, the club organised a Plantation Drive.

3/10/2016— Shramdan

Cleanliness is next to Godliness, considering it to be the vision the Rotractrs took up the initiative to spread awareness amongst school students by cleaning the school premises.

4/10/2016- Girls’ education: towards a better future for all

To equip all girls with the inner-strength, resilience and confidence needed to face the world Standing Strong through a skit. Standing Strong -Self-defence message through Skit

 5/10/2016- Workshop on Best of Waste

Preparation of Eco-friendly material using waste material




6/10/2016- Workshop on -It’s All about Etiquette! Teaching  respect, value and integrity

Workshop on Etiquette was organised for school students to make them aware the social skills needed for both personal and professional success in life.




8/10/2016 -Cleanliness Awareness Program under Swacchta Abhiyan

To create awareness among the students about cleanliness, awareness programme and skit   was organised in Kanya Shala Higher Secondary School.




3/11/2016- Caring For the Aged 
The main aim of visiting the old age home was to sensitize students to do social work and to become aware of the joy of serving and being with the aged.


28/11/2016 -UTSAV: Diwali Celebration at Anganvadi
Happiness doubles when you share it with someone




20-12- 2016- Spending Quality Time with Blind and Visually Impaired Children: Visit to Ashadeep




Future Projects


  • “Umang—Rotofest 2017” Organising cultural events for the platform children.
  • Dental and Hygiene Camps at slum areas in the city.
  • Environment protection programmes.
  • Career guidance programme for school students


  • In order to inculcate safe driving practice in youth a RTO learning license camp and learning license test was conducted to raise awareness on traffic rules and provided a learning license to qualified participants to for two wheeler.

Awareness programmes for Girls – SWABHIMAN

Aim: Empower Girls with valuable skills

In order to make the girls realize their inner strength and importance in the society, Swabhiman week was celebrated for one week in Arya Kanaya Higher Secondary School. Swabhiman week for girls, was an initiative taken, to bring pride and dignity for girls. Swabhiman, meaning self-respect, is a programme designed to enable the girls to realize their full potential in every sphere, be it home, office or community.

3/10/2016— जहा हरियाली वहा खुशहाली- Plantation The future will either be green or not exit at all. This truth lies at the heart of humankind’s most pressing challenge, namely, to learn to live in harmony with Mother Earth on a genuinely sustainable basis. Working towards this noble cause, the club organised a Plantation Drive.

3/10/2016— Shramdan

Cleanliness is next to Godliness, considering it to be the vision the Rotractrs took up the initiative to spread awareness amongst school students by cleaning the school premises.

4/10/2016- Girls’ education: towards a better future for all

To equip all girls with the inner-strength, resilience and confidence needed to face the world Standing Strong through a skit. Standing Strong -Self-defence message through Skit

 5/10/2016- Workshop on Best of Waste

Preparation of Eco-friendly material using waste material




6/10/2016- Workshop on -It’s All about Etiquette! Teaching  respect, value and integrity

Workshop on Etiquette was organised for school students to make them aware the social skills needed for both personal and professional success in life.




8/10/2016 -Cleanliness Awareness Program under Swacchta Abhiyan

To create awareness among the students about cleanliness, awareness programme and skit   was organised in Kanya Shala Higher Secondary School.




3/11/2016- Caring For the Aged 
The main aim of visiting the old age home was to sensitize students to do social work and to become aware of the joy of serving and being with the aged.


28/11/2016 -UTSAV: Diwali Celebration at Anganvadi
Happiness doubles when you share it with someone




20-12- 2016- Spending Quality Time with Blind and Visually Impaired Children: Visit to Ashadeep




Future Projects


  • “Umang—Rotofest 2017” Organising cultural events for the platform children.
  • Dental and Hygiene Camps at slum areas in the city.
  • Environment protection programmes.
  • Career guidance programme for school students



  • International Literacy Day was celebrated in Government Higher Secondary School, under the banner “Reading the Past, Writing the Future”. The idea was to actively to promote literacy as an instrument to empower individuals, communities and societies.

 11-0-2016 Learning Driving License Camp

  • In order to inculcate safe driving practice in youth a RTO learning license camp and learning license test was conducted to raise awareness on traffic rules and provided a learning license to qualified participants to for two wheeler.

Awareness programmes for Girls – SWABHIMAN

Aim: Empower Girls with valuable skills

In order to make the girls realize their inner strength and importance in the society, Swabhiman week was celebrated for one week in Arya Kanaya Higher Secondary School. Swabhiman week for girls, was an initiative taken, to bring pride and dignity for girls. Swabhiman, meaning self-respect, is a programme designed to enable the girls to realize their full potential in every sphere, be it home, office or community.

3/10/2016— जहा हरियाली वहा खुशहाली- Plantation The future will either be green or not exit at all. This truth lies at the heart of humankind’s most pressing challenge, namely, to learn to live in harmony with Mother Earth on a genuinely sustainable basis. Working towards this noble cause, the club organised a Plantation Drive.

3/10/2016— Shramdan

Cleanliness is next to Godliness, considering it to be the vision the Rotractrs took up the initiative to spread awareness amongst school students by cleaning the school premises.

4/10/2016- Girls’ education: towards a better future for all

To equip all girls with the inner-strength, resilience and confidence needed to face the world Standing Strong through a skit. Standing Strong -Self-defence message through Skit

 5/10/2016- Workshop on Best of Waste

Preparation of Eco-friendly material using waste material




6/10/2016- Workshop on -It’s All about Etiquette! Teaching  respect, value and integrity

Workshop on Etiquette was organised for school students to make them aware the social skills needed for both personal and professional success in life.




8/10/2016 -Cleanliness Awareness Program under Swacchta Abhiyan

To create awareness among the students about cleanliness, awareness programme and skit   was organised in Kanya Shala Higher Secondary School.




3/11/2016- Caring For the Aged 
The main aim of visiting the old age home was to sensitize students to do social work and to become aware of the joy of serving and being with the aged.


28/11/2016 -UTSAV: Diwali Celebration at Anganvadi
Happiness doubles when you share it with someone




20-12- 2016- Spending Quality Time with Blind and Visually Impaired Children: Visit to Ashadeep




Future Projects


  • “Umang—Rotofest 2017” Organising cultural events for the platform children.
  • Dental and Hygiene Camps at slum areas in the city.
  • Environment protection programmes.
  • Career guidance programme for school students




  • When a person has high level of emotional intelligence, he empathizes with the people around and realizes his responsibility towards the society. To strengthen the commitment to community services and to realize   responsibility, the rotators visited Jagruti .The students learned the value of sharing and caring for others

8-9- 2016- World Literacy Day Celebration

  • International Literacy Day was celebrated in Government Higher Secondary School, under the banner “Reading the Past, Writing the Future”. The idea was to actively to promote literacy as an instrument to empower individuals, communities and societies.

 11-0-2016 Learning Driving License Camp

  • In order to inculcate safe driving practice in youth a RTO learning license camp and learning license test was conducted to raise awareness on traffic rules and provided a learning license to qualified participants to for two wheeler.

Awareness programmes for Girls – SWABHIMAN

Aim: Empower Girls with valuable skills

In order to make the girls realize their inner strength and importance in the society, Swabhiman week was celebrated for one week in Arya Kanaya Higher Secondary School. Swabhiman week for girls, was an initiative taken, to bring pride and dignity for girls. Swabhiman, meaning self-respect, is a programme designed to enable the girls to realize their full potential in every sphere, be it home, office or community.

3/10/2016— जहा हरियाली वहा खुशहाली- Plantation The future will either be green or not exit at all. This truth lies at the heart of humankind’s most pressing challenge, namely, to learn to live in harmony with Mother Earth on a genuinely sustainable basis. Working towards this noble cause, the club organised a Plantation Drive.

3/10/2016— Shramdan

Cleanliness is next to Godliness, considering it to be the vision the Rotractrs took up the initiative to spread awareness amongst school students by cleaning the school premises.

4/10/2016- Girls’ education: towards a better future for all

To equip all girls with the inner-strength, resilience and confidence needed to face the world Standing Strong through a skit. Standing Strong -Self-defence message through Skit

 5/10/2016- Workshop on Best of Waste

Preparation of Eco-friendly material using waste material




6/10/2016- Workshop on -It’s All about Etiquette! Teaching  respect, value and integrity

Workshop on Etiquette was organised for school students to make them aware the social skills needed for both personal and professional success in life.




8/10/2016 -Cleanliness Awareness Program under Swacchta Abhiyan

To create awareness among the students about cleanliness, awareness programme and skit   was organised in Kanya Shala Higher Secondary School.




3/11/2016- Caring For the Aged 
The main aim of visiting the old age home was to sensitize students to do social work and to become aware of the joy of serving and being with the aged.


28/11/2016 -UTSAV: Diwali Celebration at Anganvadi
Happiness doubles when you share it with someone




20-12- 2016- Spending Quality Time with Blind and Visually Impaired Children: Visit to Ashadeep




Future Projects


  • “Umang—Rotofest 2017” Organising cultural events for the platform children.
  • Dental and Hygiene Camps at slum areas in the city.
  • Environment protection programmes.
  • Career guidance programme for school students



  • President: Ms. Pinky Shukla
  • Secretary: Mr. Shivansh Chouksey
  • Treasurer: Mr. Gaurav Khatwani

Activities for the session 2020-2021

Activities for the session 2018-19

  • MEDICAL CAMP FOR GIRLS: A free medical camp was conducted by “Swasth Naari Swasth Pradesh” Organizationed on 8 th sep 2018 and 18 Sep 2018 at  St Aloysius college .Around 908 girls/women including teaching staff were screened by Doctors and consultation was provided to  participants by checking their weight,height and hemoglobin .

Activities for the session 2016-17

15-03-2016- Visit to Jagruti Kendra – A Home for Platform Children


  • When a person has high level of emotional intelligence, he empathizes with the people around and realizes his responsibility towards the society. To strengthen the commitment to community services and to realize   responsibility, the rotators visited Jagruti .The students learned the value of sharing and caring for others

8-9- 2016- World Literacy Day Celebration

  • International Literacy Day was celebrated in Government Higher Secondary School, under the banner “Reading the Past, Writing the Future”. The idea was to actively to promote literacy as an instrument to empower individuals, communities and societies.

 11-0-2016 Learning Driving License Camp

  • In order to inculcate safe driving practice in youth a RTO learning license camp and learning license test was conducted to raise awareness on traffic rules and provided a learning license to qualified participants to for two wheeler.

Awareness programmes for Girls – SWABHIMAN

Aim: Empower Girls with valuable skills

In order to make the girls realize their inner strength and importance in the society, Swabhiman week was celebrated for one week in Arya Kanaya Higher Secondary School. Swabhiman week for girls, was an initiative taken, to bring pride and dignity for girls. Swabhiman, meaning self-respect, is a programme designed to enable the girls to realize their full potential in every sphere, be it home, office or community.

3/10/2016— जहा हरियाली वहा खुशहाली- Plantation The future will either be green or not exit at all. This truth lies at the heart of humankind’s most pressing challenge, namely, to learn to live in harmony with Mother Earth on a genuinely sustainable basis. Working towards this noble cause, the club organised a Plantation Drive.

3/10/2016— Shramdan

Cleanliness is next to Godliness, considering it to be the vision the Rotractrs took up the initiative to spread awareness amongst school students by cleaning the school premises.

4/10/2016- Girls’ education: towards a better future for all

To equip all girls with the inner-strength, resilience and confidence needed to face the world Standing Strong through a skit. Standing Strong -Self-defence message through Skit

 5/10/2016- Workshop on Best of Waste

Preparation of Eco-friendly material using waste material




6/10/2016- Workshop on -It’s All about Etiquette! Teaching  respect, value and integrity

Workshop on Etiquette was organised for school students to make them aware the social skills needed for both personal and professional success in life.




8/10/2016 -Cleanliness Awareness Program under Swacchta Abhiyan

To create awareness among the students about cleanliness, awareness programme and skit   was organised in Kanya Shala Higher Secondary School.




3/11/2016- Caring For the Aged 
The main aim of visiting the old age home was to sensitize students to do social work and to become aware of the joy of serving and being with the aged.


28/11/2016 -UTSAV: Diwali Celebration at Anganvadi
Happiness doubles when you share it with someone




20-12- 2016- Spending Quality Time with Blind and Visually Impaired Children: Visit to Ashadeep




Future Projects


  • “Umang—Rotofest 2017” Organising cultural events for the platform children.
  • Dental and Hygiene Camps at slum areas in the city.
  • Environment protection programmes.
  • Career guidance programme for school students



  • Dr. Rashmi Patras (IC)
  • Dr. Meenakshi Swamy
  • Dr. Mrs. Sarita Goel

Office Bearers:

  • President: Ms. Pinky Shukla
  • Secretary: Mr. Shivansh Chouksey
  • Treasurer: Mr. Gaurav Khatwani

Activities for the session 2020-2021

Activities for the session 2018-19

  • MEDICAL CAMP FOR GIRLS: A free medical camp was conducted by “Swasth Naari Swasth Pradesh” Organizationed on 8 th sep 2018 and 18 Sep 2018 at  St Aloysius college .Around 908 girls/women including teaching staff were screened by Doctors and consultation was provided to  participants by checking their weight,height and hemoglobin .

Activities for the session 2016-17

15-03-2016- Visit to Jagruti Kendra – A Home for Platform Children


  • When a person has high level of emotional intelligence, he empathizes with the people around and realizes his responsibility towards the society. To strengthen the commitment to community services and to realize   responsibility, the rotators visited Jagruti .The students learned the value of sharing and caring for others

8-9- 2016- World Literacy Day Celebration

  • International Literacy Day was celebrated in Government Higher Secondary School, under the banner “Reading the Past, Writing the Future”. The idea was to actively to promote literacy as an instrument to empower individuals, communities and societies.

 11-0-2016 Learning Driving License Camp

  • In order to inculcate safe driving practice in youth a RTO learning license camp and learning license test was conducted to raise awareness on traffic rules and provided a learning license to qualified participants to for two wheeler.

Awareness programmes for Girls – SWABHIMAN

Aim: Empower Girls with valuable skills

In order to make the girls realize their inner strength and importance in the society, Swabhiman week was celebrated for one week in Arya Kanaya Higher Secondary School. Swabhiman week for girls, was an initiative taken, to bring pride and dignity for girls. Swabhiman, meaning self-respect, is a programme designed to enable the girls to realize their full potential in every sphere, be it home, office or community.

3/10/2016— जहा हरियाली वहा खुशहाली- Plantation The future will either be green or not exit at all. This truth lies at the heart of humankind’s most pressing challenge, namely, to learn to live in harmony with Mother Earth on a genuinely sustainable basis. Working towards this noble cause, the club organised a Plantation Drive.

3/10/2016— Shramdan

Cleanliness is next to Godliness, considering it to be the vision the Rotractrs took up the initiative to spread awareness amongst school students by cleaning the school premises.

4/10/2016- Girls’ education: towards a better future for all

To equip all girls with the inner-strength, resilience and confidence needed to face the world Standing Strong through a skit. Standing Strong -Self-defence message through Skit

 5/10/2016- Workshop on Best of Waste

Preparation of Eco-friendly material using waste material




6/10/2016- Workshop on -It’s All about Etiquette! Teaching  respect, value and integrity

Workshop on Etiquette was organised for school students to make them aware the social skills needed for both personal and professional success in life.




8/10/2016 -Cleanliness Awareness Program under Swacchta Abhiyan

To create awareness among the students about cleanliness, awareness programme and skit   was organised in Kanya Shala Higher Secondary School.




3/11/2016- Caring For the Aged 
The main aim of visiting the old age home was to sensitize students to do social work and to become aware of the joy of serving and being with the aged.


28/11/2016 -UTSAV: Diwali Celebration at Anganvadi
Happiness doubles when you share it with someone




20-12- 2016- Spending Quality Time with Blind and Visually Impaired Children: Visit to Ashadeep




Future Projects


  • “Umang—Rotofest 2017” Organising cultural events for the platform children.
  • Dental and Hygiene Camps at slum areas in the city.
  • Environment protection programmes.
  • Career guidance programme for school students




Click Here for Admission (Session - 2024-2025)

Click Here for B.Ed.  Admission Enquiry (2024-2025)

B.Ed Second Round Admission Details