Name: Dr. Dileep Koshta
Coordinator,Assistant Professor
Area: Taxation, Finance and Accountancy
Qualification: B.Com. M.Com. (Taxation), MP SLET, Ph.D.
Contact: 9827229131

Teaching Experiences :

  • Working as an Asst. Professor (Commerce), Since July 2011 up to now at ST. ALOYSIUS COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), JABALPUR (M.P.) under Code 28


National Seminars/Conferences :

  • Title “ भूकम्प ग्रसित क्षेत्र में उद्योगो पर पड़ने वाले प्रभाव” National Seminar organized by D.N. Jain College Jabalpur in the year 1997


  • Title “Economics Growth of India & China-Strategic Difference” National Seminar Organized by G.S. College Jabalpur 20-21april 2012.
  • Title “Inclusive Growth in Small and Medium Scale Industries”  National Seminar organized by St. Aloysius College Jabalpur 05-06 Oct. 2012
  • Title “ Gender Budgeting in India” National Seminar organized by Mata Gujri College Jabalpur 30 Nov. – 01 Dec. 2012
  • Paper title “An Analytical study of consumer Behaviour Due to Price Hike in India (with Special Reference to Jabalpur city)” presented in National Seminar “Price Hike: Causes, Consequences & Remedies” organized by Adarsh Science, JB Arts & Birla Commerce College Amravati 29- 30 Dec 2012.


  • Paper title “Rising Issues in Foreign Direct Investment” Presented in National Seminar Organized by St. Aloysius College, (Auto.) Jabalpur, 04 & 05 Oct. 2013.


  • Paper tital “भारतीय आर्थिक विकास में पंचवर्षीय योजना की भूमिका. एक अध्ययन” presented in  National Seminar Orgnized by Govt. College Junnardeo District Chhindwara (M.P.) 28th-30th  January 2014
  • Paper tital “विदेशी प्रत्यक्ष निवेश – एक अध्ययन” presented in  National Seminar Orgnized by Hawabagh Women’s College, Jaablpur (M.P.)  21st -22and  February 2014
  • Participated “Global Peace Conference” organized by the society for Brotherhood and Peace at Govt. M.H.College &  Home Science College Jabalpur  (M.P.) 23rd February 2014.
  • Paper title “भारत में विदेशी प्रत्यक्ष निवेशः औचित्य तथा नीतिगत मुद्द” presented in National Seminar organized by St. Aloysiu’s College (Auto.) Jabalpur (M.P.) 28th-29th March 2014.


  • Paper title “Bharat me Videshi Pratyaksh Nivesh: Auchitya tatha Nitigat Mudde”  presented in National Seminar organized by St. Aloysiu’s College (Auto.) Jabalpur(M.P.) 28th-29th March 2014.
  •  Paper title “संत रविदासः की वाणी का साम्प्रदायिक सदभावना में योगदान”   presented in National Seminar on “राष्ट्रीय एकता संवर्धन में संत रविदास के विचारों की प्रासंगिकता” organized by St. Aloysius College (Autonomous) Jabalpur(M.P.) 27th-28th Feb. 2015.
  • Paper title ““निजी विश्वविद्यालयों का उच्च शिक्षा में योगदान एवं चुनौतियां”  ”  presented in National Seminar on “RUSA: A STRATEGIC INTERVENTION FOR ENHANCEMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN INDIA” organized by St. Aloysius College (Autonomous) Jabalpur(M.P.) 19th -20th March 2015
  • Paper title ष्भारत के वित्तीय समावेषन में जन-धन योजना का योगदानरूएक समीक्षा in National Seminar on “Financial Inclusion in India” organized by Mata Gujri College (Autonomous) Jabalpur(M.P.) 10th-11th October. 2015


  • Paper title Paper title “A Combined Study of Sources of Finance and Budgetary Control”  in National Seminar on “Nation Building Accounting” organized by Deen Dyal Uppaddhyay Arts & Commerce  College Sagar (M.P.) 2nd January 2016.
  • Paper title Paper title “Make in India abhiyan me GST ka yogdan  ”  in National Seminar on “Make in India: A Key for Economic Growth in India” organized by St. Aloysius college, (Auto) Jabalpur (M.P.). 18th & 19th  March 2016.
  • Paper title Paper title “Role of ICT in Higher Education in India”  in National Seminar on “Role of Academic Audit in Enhancing the Quality of Higher Education ” organized by St. Aloysius college, (Auto) Jabalpur (M.P.). 21st And 22nd Oct. 2016.
  • Paper title Paper title “भारतीय उच्च शिक्षा प्रणाली में गुणवत्ता बढ़ाने के लिए शैक्षणिक अंकेक्षण का योगदान”  in National Seminar on “Total Quality Management in Higher Education: Issues and Challenges ” organized by G.S. College, Commerce and Economics, Jabalpur (M.P.). 20 Dec. 2016.


  • Paper title Paper title “निगमीय सामाजिक उत्तरदायित्व एवं ग्रामीण विकास- एक अध्यन”  in National Seminar on “New Dimensions in CSR ” organized by St. Aloysius college, (Auto) Jabalpur (M.P.). 20th And 21st Jan. 2017.
  • Paper title “Role of ICT in Research” – National Conference on Research Techniques in Social Science at Govt. Mahakaushal Arts & Commerce College, Jabalpur, 7th & 8th Sep. 2017.
  • Participated in “राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी” organized by UGC at Govt. Mahakoshal Arts & Commerce College, Jabalpur, (M.P.) 7th & 8th 2017.


  • Paper title Paper title “Role of Ethics, Value and Morality in Business Management” in National Seminar on “Role of Ethics, Value and Morality in Business Management” organized by Nachiketa College Vijaya Nagar, Jabalpur (M.P.). 5th Jan 2018.


  • Participated in “Annual Conference of Madhya Pradesh Economic Association” on “Digitalization of Indian Economy & Issues of Social Sector in Madhya Pradesh” organized by Department of Economics, RDVV, Jabalpur (M.P.) 11th & 12th  February 2019.
  • Paper title Paper title “भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था में ई- कॉमर्स से संभावनाएं एवं चुनौतिया in National Seminar on E- Business : Problems & Prospectssponsored by ICSSR & organized by G. S. College , (Auto) Jabalpur (M.P.).18th-19th Oct..
  • Paper title Paper title   “भारतीय श्रमबल में कौशल विकास दृ चुनौतियाँ और अवसर in National Seminar on Role of Skill Development in Transforming Indian Workforcesponsored by ICSSR & organized by St. Aloysius college, (Auto) Jabalpur (M.P.).13th-14th Dec.


  • Participated in “राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी” organized by UGC at St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur, (M.P.) 3rd & 4th 2020.


  1. Paper title Paper title in National Conference On New Education Policy 2020: a Powerful tool to Re-established Bharat as Vishwa Guru27th – 28th Jan, 2023 Sponsored By: INDIAN COUNCIL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH, NEW DELHI

Articles/Paper Published in Reference Books and Journals:


  • An article titled “भारतीय आर्थिक विकास में नियोजन की भूमिका का विष्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन” was published in reference book with ISBN-978-81-87364-56-6 named Bharat me samajik parivertan aur vikas published by Gayatri Publications Riwa.2013
  • An article titled “Critical Analysis of Human Rights for Indian Women” was published in reference book with ISBN-978-817132-747-8 named Human Rights & Human Welfare Published by Pointer Publishers Jaipur 2013.


  • An article titled “भारत के वित्तीय समावेषन में जन-धन योजना का योगदानरूएक समीक्षा” was published in reference book with ISBN-978-93-84659-02-8 named“भारत में वित्तीय समावेषन” Industry Published by International E-Publications 427 Palhar Nagar Indore (M.P) 2015.


  • An article titled “^^Methods and Techniques of Human Resource Accounting” was published in reference book with ISBN-978-93-85528-33-0 named “Human Resource Accounting: Concept, Objective and Practical Approaches”Industry Published by Yking Books Jaipur India 2016.


  • Paper Titled “A Study of the Impact of Change in Technology Efficiency of Indian Industries due to Covid-19” in ISBN 978-93-91267-01-8, Published by Shree Vinayak Publication, First Edition:2022.
  • Paper Titled “भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था पर डिजिटलाईजेशनका प्रभाव और वित्तीय साक्षरता की आवश्यकता in ISBN 978-93-91018-08-5, Published by Nalanda Prakashan , First Edition:2022.


  • A paper titled “नई शिक्षा नीति -2020 का विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन.’’ (समस्याएं, चुनौतियाँ, अवसर और आलोचना)’’  to a (ISBN:978-93-92079-25-2)Book published in. April, 2023.
  • A paper titled “A study on the Impact of Change in Technology Efficiency of India.’’ to a (ISBN:978-93-91267-01-8) Book- Reskilling and Upskilling for Future Industry and Business,  published in April, 2023.

International seminar/Conference

  • Paper title “Need and Important of Ethics in Business” International  Seminar on “Exploring Trends and Practices in Information Technology & Management” organized    by St. Aloysius College (Auto.) Jabalpur 5-6th January 2015.

Participation in Workshops


  • 2 days workshop on “Direct and Indirect Taxes in India” Organized by D.N.Jain   College Jabalpur 27-28 March 2012
  • 4 days workshop on “Research Methodology and Application of SPSS for Data Analysis”  Organized by St. Aloysius College Jabalpur 24-27 April 2012
  • 3 days workshop on “New Dimensions of Economic and Social Research” Organized by G.S. College of Commerce & Economics Jabalpur 19-21 Dec. 2012.


  • 2 days workshop on “Recent Trends in Higher Education” organized by Navyug Arts & Commerce College Jabalpur 06-07 Sep. 2013
  • 2 days workshop on “Tax Planning in Direct Taxes in India” organized by Shri Shrinivas    Sarawagi Arts & Commerce College Katni.


  • 2 days workshop on “Human Values Developmental Programme (HVDP)“organized by St. Aloysius college (Autonomous) Jabalpur M.P. 16th  & 17th June 2015.
  • 1 days workshop on “Advancement in Teaching Through E-Learning” organized by Hitkarini College of Engineering and Technology Jabalpur(M.P) Jabalpur M.P.  10th December 2015.


  • 2 days workshop on “Project Based Learning and Need of Academic Audit in Enhancing the Quality in Higher Education”  Organized by St. Aloysius College Jabalpur 24-27 April 2012
  • 1 days’ workshop on “Digital Transaction: A Roadmap towards Economic Growth” organized by Gyan Ganga College of Engineering and Technology & Management, Jabalpur (M.P)   25th May 2017.


  • 4 days’ Crash Course on “Goods and Services” organized by Central GST Department, Jabalpur M.P.  From 29/01/2018 to 02/02/2018.


  • Attended and worked in 4 NSS Camps as a Camp prefect
  • Participation of College level Volley-Ball, Kho-Kho, Cricket.
  • Sports committee member in college.
  • Conducted 5 Workshop on Tax for students
  • Invited as a Keynote Speaker in Webinar on Taxation Conducted By St. Paul College, Indore


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