Grievance Redressal Cell

Grievance Redressal Cell serves as on official, impartial and transparent platform for students to address and resolve the needs and complaints raised by students. The committee’s purpose is to solve the students concerns and complaints, thus facilitating the holistic development

The Grievance Redressal Cell looks into the matters regarding the functioning of the college, the academic and extra- curricular activities. Any suggestion regarding the same may be put in the suggestion box or students may approach the teacher incharge.

समस्या उन्मुलक प्रकोष्ठ महा.वि. के कार्यकर्ताओं के लिए है जिसमे अकादमिक और अतिरिक्त पाठ्यतर गतिविधियां सम्मिलित है | यदि इस सन्दर्भ में कोई भी सुझाव हो तो उसे सुझाव पेटी में डाल सकते है और समन्धित प्रभारी से भी संपर्क कर सकते है |


“Listen, Comprehend, Act”: Highlighting the significance of attentively hearing concerns, fully grasping the issues presented and actively working towards a solution.


 “Transparency and justice” : To establish a grievance redressal system that is transparent, easily accessible and empathic ensuring fairness, justice and satisfaction for each student.


“Equity and Neutrality” : Committing to handling complaints with fairness and neutrality, free from favoritism and bias.

“Prompt and practical resolution”: Aiming to resolve grievances swiftly while pursuing practical and effective solutions to the challenges raised.


  • To offer accessible avenues for students to express their concern and seek resolutions, irrespective of the background or location.
  • To maintain transparency throughout the grievance resolution process, ensuring that information and updates are easily available to all parties involved.
  • To simplify the grievance handling process, reducing delays and providing prompt resolutions.
  • To cultivate a culture of empathy and understanding among those responsible for addressing grievances.
  • To uphold the institution’s integrity by addressing concerns (if any ) related to equality in the provisions and receipt of education in campus.
  • To provide an environment within the institution to all students that would help in their academic growth and development.
  • To eliminate all forms of discrimination and harassment by enforcing prohibition for all such activities, providing preventative and protective measures and imposing punishment on those who engage in discriminatory or harassing behaviors.

Grievance Committee


  1. Fr. J.Ben Anton Rose

Three Faculty members

  1. Captain Sonal Rai
  2. Rashmi Patras
  3. Bhawna Tekam

Two members of office and administrative staff

  1. Pradeep Rodrigues
  2. Gagandeep Singh

Two student representatives

  1. Isha Gupta
  2. Simran Sehgal

Functioning of Grievance Redressal Cell

  • A grievance /suggestion box is placed at various points within the institution, thus allowing students to drop down their concern.
  • This suggestion box is opened periodically and appropriate actions are taken to solve the concerns of the students.
  • Grievances are categorized according to issues reported, they are numbered and are recorded in grievance redressal register.
  • Grievance redressal register is monitored by grievance redressal officer.
  • Students through e-mail or personally report their grievance to the principal also.
  • For issues related to academic concern, students can report to head of department personally or through feedback.
  • Students can also report their grievance online by the means of google form uploaded on the college website.

Areas of concern of Grievance Redressal Cell

  1. Academic
  2. Administrative
  3. Disciplinary
  4. Exam related
  5. Infrastructure
  6. Library related
  7. Miscellaneous

Online submission of Grievance: